Empowering service users and finding out what they really want A seminar to present BlueSalmon: a new self- assessment and portable support planning tool 17 June 2008 Presented by Lemos&Crane with the support of City Bridge Trust and The Ashden Trust
A new approach to support for homeless and vulnerable people Gerard Lemos Partner at Lemos&Crane
An alternative focus for support Identity –Finding new interests and ambitions –Building confidence and self-esteem Relationships –Developing loving partnerships –Finding somebody new Family and friends –Becoming closer to people important to you –Making new friends
Difficulties with normal support planning Time constraints: meetings are often brief and infrequent Practical considerations: conversation dominated by benefits, drugs and alcohol Support worker confidence: uneasiness about social and emotional aspirations, ‘a can of worms’ Service user confidence: may be uncomfortable talking about private matters Client-support worker dynamic: support planning sessions can get in a rut and don’t move forward
Normal support planning Leads support planning Support workerClient Directs and controls Limited input Action plan
Introducing BlueSalmon An online resource that enables people to describe for themselves how they want their lives to change and to find practical assistance in reaching their goals. Supported by City Bridge Trust, building on work supported by The Ashden Trust and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Prototype development in association with Thames Reach and their service users
Support planning with BlueSalmon Client BlueSalmon action plan directs and controls Family Friends Support worker Partner information about client’s goals provide support
How BlueSalmon works Organisations subscribe to BlueSalmon on behalf of their service users for a one-off fee Any number of service users can then register to use BlueSalmon and create an ‘account for life’ Accounts give service users 24/7 access to: –Structured interactive modules on Identity, Relationships, and Family and Friends –A personalised action plan to define goals and component steps for sharing with support workers BlueSalmon is easy-to-use, safe and confidential
Organisational planning Client Support organisation Aggregate data Unlimited number of BlueSalmon accounts Data is made anonymous Accounts for life Informs planning and policy One-off subscription fee
Benefits for service users Service users are empowered to describe for themselves how they want their lives to change Service users are encouraged to think differently about themselves as people with potential not just problems Service users are motivated to ask for practical support from support workers or family and friends to meet their goals and aspirations
Benefits for support providers Support planning meetings are revitalised with a focus on addressing service users’ priorities Online working improves the efficiency of the support process - face-to-face time can concentrate on taking action and reviewing progress Ideas and insight for developing new services are generated based on service user input BlueSalmon’s aspirational approach produces genuinely person-centred outcomes for service users that can be demonstrated to commissioners