B ACKGROUND : A MERICAN C OUNCIL ON E DUCATION (ACE) Represents the presidents of U.S. accredited, degree-granting institutions, which include: Two- and four-year colleges Private and public institutions Nonprofit and for-profit entities Provide: Advocacy, Leadership, Attainment & Innovation International Education Policy Research and Analysis (from:
B ACKGROUND : ACE W OMEN ’ S N ETWORK National system of networks within each state, Puerto Rico, and D.C. NH = NHWHEL Goal of advancing and supporting women in higher education Led by state coordinator, who works with: Institutional Representatives Presidential Sponsor Develop programs for women in HE IDEALS (identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support) (from:
B ACKGROUND : M OVING THE N EEDLE T OGETHER ACE’s The American College President 2012 report: Only 26% of nation’s HE presidents are women and rate of change has stalled since late 1990s Initiative seeks to increase number of women in senior leadership positions in HE through: Programs, research, and resources
G OAL OF I NITIATIVE Raise national awareness and visibility of issue Map what participating organizations are doing to promote & advance women leaders Discuss ways to collaborate across organizations Develop a blueprint for action
A DVANCING W OMEN ’ S L EADERSHIP IN H IGHER E DUCATION Introduction in ACE Women’s Network NetworkNews by Lisa A. Rossbacher, chair of the ACE Women’s Network Executive Council Two Requests: Please consider building activities into your daily schedule Please add you ideas to the list We will send our list to ACE Women’s Network (from: ACE Women’s Network NetworkNews, Fall/Winter 2013, Vol 1., No. 3)
H IGHLIGHTS FROM THE N ETWORK N EWS I WILL … Send a handwritten note thanking a woman who made a difference in my life. Nominate women for awards - at work, in professional organizations, and in the community. Forward information to women who might be ready for new job opportunities when I see announcements about vacancies and searches. Forward an article from a magazine or journal that I think might be interesting. Invite a woman to lunch to share ideas. (from: ACE Women’s Network NetworkNews, Fall/Winter 2013, Vol 1., No. 3)
D ISCUSSION : W HAT W OMEN CAN DO FOR OTHER W OMEN How can we encourage other women? What can we do to promote women’s leadership in higher education? Please continue to think of ideas throughout the networking reception…