Anne Bradstreet ( )
Biographical Information Born in Northampton, England in 1612 Daughter of Thomas Dudley (leader of volunteer soldiers and a steward for the Earl of Lincoln) and Dorothy Yorke (well educated gentlewoman)
Early Life Father provided daughter with excellent education Tutored in history, literature, and several languages Unusual education for a woman At age 16, married Simon Bradstreet (age 25), her father’s assistant A year later, husband appointed to assist with preparations for Massachusetts Bay Company
Crossing the Atlantic Bradstreet and her family (including her father) emigrated to New England on the Arabella in 1630
Anne Bradstreet in America Happy life, despite hardships sickness (lifelong poor health) lack of food primitive living conditions 8 children (all successful with large families of their own) Eventual wife of governor, who was frequently away on business
Bradstreet’s Poetry Initially, Bradstreet only wrote for her family and friends, as was traditional for women Bradstreet learned not to express her views openly, especially after Anne Hutchinson was banished from her colony and excommunicated from the Church
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America First book of poetry from the British colonies Puritans looked down on women “pursuing intellectual enlightenment” Brother-in-law secretly copied work and took it to England to be published without her knowledge
The Puritan Novelty Bradstreet was seen by the English audience as a novelty because: She was a woman She was a Puritan, and her poetry was not strictly religious She was living in America, which was the new frontier
Themes & Ideas in Bradstreet’s Poetry Culture and nature of humanity Spirituality and theology The tension between faith and doubt Family Death History Sickness
Bradstreet’s Types of Poetry Religious Meditations “As Weary Pilgrim” Domestic Poems “Upon the Burning of Our House” Love Poems “To My Dear and Loving Husband” Elegiac Poems “In Memory of My Dear Grandchild” Contemplations
Bradstreet’s Contemplations 33 stanzas Each its own entity All interrelated Expressed the poet’s recognition of God in nature (a rare subject at that time) Struggled with Puritan concept that God sent suffering to prepare humanity for His grace
Anne Bradstreet’s Uniqueness Poetry reflects trials about her new circumstances in New World Sometimes questions truth and spiritual matters normally accepted by Puritans Poetry does not reflect the avenging God of the Puritans Ideal of divine and tender love predominates
Characteristics of Works Self-effacing “apology” Preference for balance Attachment to nature and the body Humor and irony Historic and mythic heroines Domestic as authoritative Direct, simple language and imagery
Plain Style Simple words in clear order Most Puritan’s wrote in plain style because, as they saw it, God’s word could not be improved by human decoration Wished to make divine words so everyone could understand it Homely and raw “from the wilderness”
Bradstreet’s Style and Themes Some longer poems written in learned style on subjects such as medicine, history, and qualities of fire 2 nd edition (28 years later) contains shorter poems written in a simpler style, about children, husband, and home Recurring theme: Puritan belief that one must not become too attached to things of the world
To Be a Puritan Woman Bradstreet, as other Puritan women, believed that men were superior to women Felt it improper for a woman to appear in print First example of belles lettres in American literature
Puritan Meditation Tradition 1. Imagine a scene Recreate it vividly, analyzing scene and drawing “arguments from it regarding eternal truth or his own relation to God” 2. Exercise reason to fully understand the image 3. Enter into conversation with God in order to express determination have more faith, to trust God, to flee sin, to express joy or hope or courage.
Anne Bradstreet First American Poet