The Global Enterprise Mobility Community
Enterprise Mobility In Action – making it happen Wednesday 30 May :30 – 15:30 (GMT)
Sharon Clancy Editor-in-Chief, Enterprise Mobility Network
14:30-14:35 Welcome & introductions by Sharon Clancy 14:35 -15:10 Sharon Clancy to conduct interview with guest speakers : - There are many ways a mobility rollout can go wrong - how can you avoid the pitfalls and get it right first time? 15:10-15:25 Q & A session 15:25-15:30 Closing remarks
Julie Purves, Founder and CEO, B2M Solutions Julian Niblett, Head of Operations Development Transformation, Boots Nigel Owens, Senior VP Worldwide Sales, General Manager EMEA, Motion Computing Simon Gale, CTO - Workplace Services UKI, IBM Tim Hamilton- Davies, Owner, M-Netics Dennis Castor, Director, Global Client Managed Services, Psion
1.Focus on business processes, not technology :- * What’s the business case? * What do you want to achieve? * Will you need to change any processes ?
2.Keep it simple and under control:- * Don’t be too ambitious in scope * Engage your workers * Identify a project champion * Invest in training * Make time for a strong pilot rollout
3.Profile mobile worker groups: - * Data needs will differ * Devices will vary: one size doesn’t fit all
4.Fit-for-purpose:- * Don’t make the device choice first * Match devices with applications * Future-proofing your solution
5.Total cost of ownership:- * MDM: an essential tool, not an optional extra * Potential hidden costs * Financing
Any Questions?
Closing Remarks
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