MISSION To honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, award scholarships, and enhance career opportunities for the NTHS membership.
NTHS is Committed to: Providing the highest quality recognition for outstanding students in career and technical education, Supplying excellent services to our diverse and multi-cultural membership and member schools, Providing scholarship opportunities for its members, Creating new and emerging relationships between the educational community and business and industry, Being a flexible organization on the leading edge of technology and constantly responding to change, Maintaining financial responsibility to meet our increasing needs, Sustaining growth, innovation and continuous improvement based upon ongoing evaluation.
Established: in 1984 by Allen Powell and Jon Poteat as a not for profit organization to recognize outstanding students in vocational education. to improve the image of vocational education As the image of career and technical education improved and the word “vocational” became obsolete, the name of the organization was changed in 2003 to National Technical Honor Society. History
NTHS has seen continuous growth since its’ inception.
A recognized and proven program with over 3400 member schools and colleges in the US and abroad. Contributes to a strong, positive school image and encourages service learning in the local community. Helps schools build and maintain active partnerships with local business and industry. Encourages the involvement of parents, family and industry in the educational process. Member School Benefits
Encourages higher student achievement and success. Membership develops self-esteem and pride. Helps schools attract and recruit more qualified students into career and technical education programs. Member School Benefits
Partnered with BPA, DECA, FCCLA, FBLA/PBL, HOSA and SkillsUSA in promoting excellence in career and technical education. Member School Benefits
Membership is an important career and professional investment recognized by education, business and industry. Member Benefits
Members receive a membership certificate, presentation folder, pin, ID card, graduation tassel, a letter of recommendation customized for the member’s career portfolio, window decal and official NTHS seal to be applied to the member’s diploma or training certificate.
Personal letters of recommendation for employment, college admission and scholarships provided by the NTHS National Headquarters. Potential opportunities to be recruited by top corporations, colleges and universities. American Careers Journal Job Board Opportunities for discounts and special member pricing Member Benefits
The online catalog offers graduation and ceremonial items to add prestige to your induction and honor programs.
Member Benefits - Scholarships Over $500,000 in scholarships have been awarded since 2007 $150,000 to be awarded in 2013: Jon H. Poteat Scholarships$125,000 CTSO and other scholarships 25,000