Charlotte Bradfield
“A key part of the Government’s education strategy is that all teachers should be able top exploit the potential of ICT to raise further pupils’ standards of achievement” (Teacher Training Agency, 1999, P1). Government initiative that by 2010 all children in Key Stage 2 should have an entitlement to language learning. Shortage of specialist language teachers
The Framework is organised on the basis of five strands. The Objectives comprise three clearly progressive core strands of teaching and learning: Oracy Literacy Intercultural Understanding In addition, two cross-cutting strands are included: Knowledge About Language (KAL) Language Learning Strategies (LLS) ( DfES, 2005 )
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The Nuffield Languages Inquiry (2000) highlights the importance of linking technology and languages. Experience is limited- “providing authenticity and realism” (Meiring and Norman, 2005, p132). Engaging boys in MFL Research carried out by Gray, C., Pilkington, R., Hagger-Vaughan., and Tomkins, S (2007)
Website Free Subscribe
AdvantagesDisadvantages Free Easy to use Provides opportunity for progression Encourages sharing of ideas Engaging Can be used by teacher or pupil Public, access to other users- Byron report issues. Not suitable for Foundation, limitations for KS1. Time consuming.
Used ICT to support other curricular areas. A tool for assessment. A way to promote higher order thinking skills; evaluation, creative thinking. Support in teaching. Includes VAK support.
The opportunity to self assess, and improve performance giving them greater ownership of their learning. Engaging resource. Creates a meaningful context. Requires ICT and MFL skills.
Teacher support Create a meaningful environment Stimulus for role play
Byron, T (2008) Safer Children in a Digital World: The Report of the Byron Review, Nottingham: DCSF. DfES (2005) The Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages, London: DfES. Go!animate website, accessed 25/05/10. Gray, C., Pilkington, R., Hagger-Vaughan., and Tomkins, S (2007) “Integrating ICT into classroom practice in modern foreign language teaching in England: making room for teachers’ voices”, European Journal of Teacher Education 30 (4) pp Meiring, L and Norman, N (2005) “How can ICT contribute to the learning of foreign languages by pupils with SEN?”, Support for Learning 20 (3) pp The Nuffield Languages Inquiry (2000) Languages: the next generation, London: The Nuffield Foundation. Teacher Training Agency (TTA) (1998) The use of ICT in subject teaching: expected outcomes for Teachers, London: Teacher Training Agency and the Departments of Education.