Review how to divide by whole numbers and by another decimal. Dividing Decimals Objective: Review how to divide by whole numbers and by another decimal.
Did Mrs. Serrano Bring Sweets? When dividing, always remember: Did Mrs. Serrano Bring Sweets? Steps: Step 1: Divide Step 2: Multiply Step 3: Subtract Step 4: Bring down the next number. Step 5: Start over
Your examples:
When dividing a decimal by a whole number… First, you have to place the decimal in the quotient directly above the decimal placement in the dividend. Then, divide using the same method as when dividing whole numbers. Example:
Your examples:
When dividing a decimal by a decimal you must follow these steps: Step 1: Move the decimal point to the right until the divisor is a whole number. Step 2: Move the decimal point in the dividend the same number of places to the right. Step 3: Divide. Be sure to include the decimal in the quotient. Example: In the example at the right, the decimal in the divisor moved one place to the right. Therefore, the decimal in the dividend must also move one place to the right.
Your example:
Homework: Find the quotient for each problem. 10.