Politics and Law 2B Revision. Exam Layout Section 1- Short Answer Parts A,B and C. Choose 4 of 6 Section 2- Source Analysis Parts A-E. Choose 1 of 2 Section.


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Presentation transcript:

Politics and Law 2B Revision

Exam Layout Section 1- Short Answer Parts A,B and C. Choose 4 of 6 Section 2- Source Analysis Parts A-E. Choose 1 of 2 Section 3- Essays Choose 1 of 2

Exam Tips Answer the Question Look at marks allocation Using reading time to choose Q’s Plan essay Structure answers correctly- Essays and short answer C questions

Exam Tips Provide examples Evaluate ie/ pros, cons and summary Always conclude Refer to sources in Section 2 Proof read

Content Part 3- Elections and democracy Pgs Part 4- Natural justice and legal processes Pgs

Elections and democracy Functions of elections? (pg 256) Electoral procedures? (257) Electoral Systems? (257) Major requirements for democratic elections? (257) Gerrymandering/ malapportionment?

Elections and democracy Electoral rights?( ) Fixed terms? Maximum terms? Public funding of elections? (266) Compulsory voting- Positives and negatives? (270) Electoral procedure (272)

Elections and democracy Representation and democracy Models of Representation? (280) Representation in the HOR? (281) Representation in the Senate? (284) Reforms? (287) Malapportionment in WA. +’s and -’s (295)

Electoral Systems Define (302) Majoritarian systems- Single member electorate- define, advantages and disadvantages. First past the post- how does it work, advantages and disadvantages. Preferential -how it works, advantages and disadvantages.

Electoral systems Proportional systems - (310) How does it work?, advantages and disadvantages. What is the ‘Australian electoral compromise’? (315) Reforms? (319)

Electoral Participation Key features/trends? (326) Emerging changes? Voter volatility? Factors affecting voting behaviour? Institutional, long, short and medium term? Examples from 2007 election?(351) Electoral redistribution and incumbency?

Justice and legal process Procedural or natural justice?(372) Features of adversarial system? (372) Strengths/ weaknesses? (383) Imperfections of civil law cases?(388) Imperfections of criminal law cases? (388) Suggested reforms?( )

Justice and legal process Judgment of law?(392) Judgment of fact? (392) Objectives of criminal sanctions? (247) ADR’s - define(420), Civil law examples (420), criminal law examples(426), pro’s and con’s(421) Alternative courts, restorative justice(432) Inquisitorial system (439)

Justice and legal process Good luck Study and you will be confident See you next year!