Fjernvarmeforskningen i IEA District heating & cooling Heidi Juhler, Alternate member ExCo
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP IEA-DHC ǀ CHP Annex X: towards 4 th generation district heating. Experiences with and potential of low-temperature district heating. Presentation of the status report at the ExCo meeting New York, USA – September, 2013 Hongwei Li Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP The goal of the project is to bring experience, knowledge and solutions for the 4 th Generation District Heating systems to a level where they are ready to be implemented widely. Phase I: document experiences in mature DH countries with very low temperature systems serving highly energy-efficient new-build developments Phase II: analyze and extend the scope of lessons arising from early examples of low- temperature systems, in order to improve the cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits, effectively formulating a blueprint for a new generation of district heating. Project summary slide 3
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP Status of Research slide 4 The originally planned work in phase I and phase II were reported and made avilable to the expert group. The comments from the expert group members were incorporated in the report. A more structured and comprehensive description of the advantages of low-temperature district heating (LTDH) was added to the report Modification was made on the section for heat distribution cost analysis A more structured division of the conclusion was suggested following the stated research issues.
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP 5 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP Economic and Design Optimization in Integrating Renewable Energy and Waste Heat with District Energy Systems Presentation of the status report at the ExCo meeting New York City, USA - Sept , 2013 Mark Spurr FVB Energy Inc.
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP 6 Current Status We have completed a full Draft Report including 18 case studies covering range of resources and technologies. Project is on time and on budget. Next Steps Following an Experts Group meeting on September 19, the report will be finalized in October. Financial Status Through Aug. 23, 2013, costs incurred were $170,534 against a total project budget of $197,680, representing 86% of the total. Costs invoiced to date are $116,133. Status of Research, Next Steps, Budget
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP 7 High Grade Resources Have reliably high temperatures that always exceed the DES supply temperature, and can be used directly whenever it is available. Low Grade Resources Have lower temperatures that are sometimes or always insufficient relative to the DES supply temperature but always sufficient relative to the DES return temperature. If the temperature of the source falls below the DES supply temperature, the temperature must be polished with other energy sources. Below Grade Resources Always have temperatures lower than the return temperature in the DES, and must be upgraded with a heat pump. Renewable Energy & Waste Heat (REWH)
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP 8 At what temperature is the Renewable Energy or Waste Heat (REWH) available, and how does it compare with the supply and return temperatures of the DES? Representative resource temperatures (at left), with heat pump increase shown in grey. Temperature of REWH resource
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP Project Improved maintenance strategies for district heating pipe-lines Presentation of the status report at the ExCo meeting New York (USA) September 2013 Nazdaneh Yarahmadi, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP Tools for obtaining actual technical status of pre- insulated bonded pipes in operation A model for decision making regarding actions to be taken based on –Technical status –Forecasted operational parameters –Requirements on robustness & redundancy –Costs for energy loss, maintenance & reconstruction Predicted degradation & remaining technical life based on –Accelerated aged pipes –Pipes from field operation –Synthesis of available studies Objectives of project slide 10
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP The accelerated ageing of pipes with both a standard and a thinner casing is continuing. The pipes are exposed to an ambient temperature of 70°C. The service pipes are kept at four levels: 70°C, 130°C, 140°C and 150°C Hence, accelerated ageing cause both deterioration of PUR at service pipe and deterioration of polyethylene casing. Status of project 1(3) slide 11
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP Development of Universal Calculation Model and Calculation Tool for Primary Energy Factors and CO Equivalents in District Heating and Cooling including CHP Contract number: IEA-X-C-004 Presentation of the status report at the ExCo meeting New York, USA of ExCo meeting – 19 th, 20 nd to 21 st of September 2013 Jacob Stang SINTEF Energy
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP General methodology for calculation of PEF is updated, implementing the possibility of making changes given EN-standards Dropdown menu for heat losses in low temperature distribution is added. Performed selected case studies for low temp DHC based on different technologies The Beta version of calculation tool is developed. Distribution as Windows stand alone executable tool. Web distribution also possible. Status of research slide 13
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP On-going work: Energy density – Pre selected parameters (for the calculation tool) for low energy density are developed Allocation methods - The allocation methods may be narrowed down as a result of coordination with other standardization projects, until now all the discussed in previous Experts meeting are implemented District cooling - New models for several cooling technologies Status of research slide 14
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY District Heating and Cooling, including the integration of CHP
Ny utlysning for annex XI Temaer: Cost Reduction in District Heating & Cooling System Transformation from High to Low Temperature District Heating Operation Resource Planning and Business Development Søknadsfrist: 30. januar 2014 Tildeling: Mai 2014 Se for øvrig: