Introduction: Tomato is one of the most popular fruit vegetable. It ranks second in importance to potato. Like any other vegetable tomatoes also come in different hues and varieties. Selection of the variety for cultivation must be based on the environmental conditions of the site of cultivation, insect and pest incidences in the area, the market and demand, culture in the surrounding area, etc. There are 700 varieties of tomatoes cultivated throughout the world. Cultivars and hybrids are being developed in public and private sector. The cultivars are grouped under determinate, indeterminate and intermediate.
Considerations for Selection of Cultivars: For large scale production the tomato variety should possess the following attributes: Good customer demand. Wider adaptability. Resistance to pest, insect prevailing in the area. Better transportation qualities. Processing fruits should be easy. High productivity per unit areas. Cultivation practices should be economical. Higher returns for farmers. Quality should be good enough for export.
Types of Cultivars (a)Determinate cultivars (Bush type): Roma(EC-13513), Rupali, MTH-15,Arka Ashish (IIHR 674 SBSB), Arka Alok (BWR-5) Pusa early Dwarf, Sel 7, Hissar lalit. (b)Indeterminate cultivars (required staking): Pusa Uphar, Solan Gola, Sioux, Marglobe, Naveen, Solan Bajr, Pusa Ruby, Dhanashree. (c)Semi determinate(Vigorous bush type): Arka Aurab, Arka Ahuti, Arka Abha, Pant T3, Arka Shreshta, Arka Abhijeet, Arka Ashish. Sutton gram prolific, Sutton gram Sweet cluster, Sutton gram wonders, Sutton gram sweet heart, Lerica.
Types of Cultivars (d)Resistance to root knot nematode: Hisar Lalit. (e)Cultivars suitable for processing: Punjab Chhuara, Arka Ashish, Bhagyshree. (f)Resistance to bacterial wilt: Shakti, Arka Abha (g) Hybrids: At present there are about 34% of total tomato growing area are estimated to have been covered by F1 hybrids.
Types of Cultivars Public sector: Pusa Hybrid-1, Pusa Hybrid-2, DTH-4, DTH-8,Pusa hybrid-4(IARI), KT-1, KT-2, KT-3,KT-4, ArkaVishal, Arka Vardan, Arka Shreshta, Karnataka, Vaishali, Rashmi, Pant Hybrid-2,Pant Hybrid-10, Pant Hybrid-12,PantHybrid-11, Rajshree, Palyur, Pusa Sadabhar, NDTH1, NDTH-2, NDTH-3, NDTH-6,TH-2312. Private sector: Red gold, Super, oval, Red Wonder,Supreme, Sheetal, Rupali, Mangala, Praveen, Apurba, Vipul, Vijay, Gulmohar, Sonali, Priti, Ratna, Sadabhar, MTH-2, MTH 6,MTH-15, MTH-16, SC-9, GS-12, SH-18 NARF-101,ATH-1, BSS-71, BSS-171, BSS-20, BSS-39, BSS-175, BSS-99, BSS-98.
Types of Cultivars(Contd.) (h)Resistance to bacterial wilt: Shakti, Arka abha (i)Resistance to root knot nematode: Hisar Lalit (j)Cultivars suitable for processing: Punjab Chhuara, Arka Ashish, Bhagyshree.
Tomato Characteristics Solan Gola Fruits medium, smooth round, skin thick ,withstand transport, first picking after 75 days. Sioux Early, prolific bearer, fruits medium large, whitish green when unripe round and uniform. Marglobe Tall, med season variety, fruits large globular, smooth, juicy, thick walled Naveen Hybrid variety, average height, fruits are medium sized thick skin deep red colour, withstand to transport Roma Excellent bearing habit, pear shape, red coloured, born in cluster, suitable for processing Rupali Hybrid variety matures in 85-90 days, fruits are uniform and round, Pant Bahar Pantnagar-First ripening in 78 ays, Fruits flatish round, medium in size 5-6 locules, red on maturity. Resistant to Verticillium and Fusarium wilt. Pusa Hybrid-2IARI i600 q/haFruits yellowish smooth firm, uniform ripening. Resistant to nematode. Suitable for growing in all India Pusa Hybrid-1 500 q/ha Fruits round, flattish, thick pericarp, uniform ripening, smooth 2-3 locules. Suitable for summer. Fruit set: 28 degC and Night temp 20 degC HS-101 Fruits in cluster of 2-3, round, small to medium, 3-4 locules, Fruits ripen uniformly, 40-50 fruits/plant. Suitable in Northern plains in winter Arka SaurabhIIHR Banglore380 q/ha, Fruits: thick flesh, firm, round, medium large (70 gm), deep red, nipple tipped. Maturity 105 - 110 days. Sweet-72Gwalior Fruits flatish round, uniform maturity, heavy yielder.
Conclusion: Availability of space affects the selection cultivar. Determinate varieties should be cultivated where space is limited as the fruits ripen within two to three weeks time. Whereas for large available space and longer available time indeterminate varieties must be selected. The plant must be supported depending upon the variety. It is beneficial to choose determinate varieties of tomatoes. The plants can do well without any support. The fruits ripen within the span of two to three weeks. Thus they can be brought to market earlier and fetch a better market price.