NOVEL A literary look at the novel as a literary genre at the intermediate level.
Novel A book length story having no set length. A novel will have characters, setting, plot and theme.
The novel is longer than a short story and as a result will.. Usually have more characters More details are usually given about the characters There may be another plot in addition to the main plot. This is called a sub- plot.
Fiction and Non-fiction Books are categorized into two major groups Fiction: includes novels and short stories. The difference is in realness. Fiction is made up. Non-fiction: includes textbooks and journal articles. Non-fiction is real and contains facts.
Fiction Historical fiction Science fiction Fantasy Poetry Mystery Humor Adventure Families Animals Realistic fiction
Non-fiction History Sports Science Biography Poetry Autobiography Humor Mystery
Main Elements of the Novel PLOT SETTING CHARACTER CONFLICT THEME (usually)
PLOT Introduction Conflict Crisis Climax Resolution Conclusion
Phases of Plot Plot is always the product of conflict and usually has three phases: A rising action during which suspense builds. A climax or turning point. A falling action or resolution.
Plot continued Sometimes the climax and resolution are one in the same point, as in the case of surprise endings or stories that have secondary plots called subplots, especially if they contain flashbacks.
Setting Is where and when the story takes place. The setting of a novel may be central to the overall storyline. Setting may change several times as the storyline of a novel is developed depending on the immediate situation.
What purpose does a setting serve in a novel? To make the story more realistic To set the mood or atmosphere To help the plot Sometimes the author will tell the reader the time period. More often, an author will give clues about the time. These clues may be scattered throughout the story.
Characterization The main characters in the novel and how the author chooses to reveal them to the reader. All characters have a purpose to serve. Some more important than others to the overall plot of the novel.
Main character/minor character The main (major) characters of a novel are well developed. They are usually classified as round, dynamic or foil characters. The minor characters are not as well developed but still have a purpose to serve in the overall plot. They are usually classified as flat or static.
There are four methods of characterization available to an author 1. An author may describe physical appearances or characteristics. 2. An author can reveal what a character says and does. 3. An author can reveal what a character is thinking and feeling. 4. An author can reveal the opinions and feelings of another character toward an individual.
Questions to help you evaluate the role of a character in a novel. Do I think that the main characters are realistic? Do I sympathize with the main characters?
4.Conflict The struggle faced by the main characters There are three types of conflict: 1. Internal 2. External 3. Interpersonal
INTERNAL A character is struggling with a problem or decision. Ex. Do I tell Mom I broke her favorite vase?
INTERPERSONAL A struggle between two or more characters. Example: Jamie and Jason had a fist fight at lunch today. Guess where they are now?
EXTERNAL A struggle between two or more characters and the environment in which they live. Example: elements of nature Sam and Dave got lost while riding their skidoos near Ocean Pond last weekend.
5. Theme The message the author is trying to get us to think about. The main idea around which the plot is developed. usually novels have a theme.
Style All novels reflect the style of the writer. Like an individual fingerprint, an author’s style identifies his or her writing as unique. Style also has special effects on the reader
The elements of style affect how reader’s respond to a story. Style contributes to mood. It may create a light and easy feeling or a dark and broody feeling. Style contributes to tone. Is the overall tone warm and inviting or distant and reserved.