107 East Madison Street Caldwell Building, MSC# G-229 Tallahassee, Florida Monthly Management Report (MMR) Measures WAGNER-PEYSER PROGRAM An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.
Monthly Management Report Training Objectives –Report: Design Data Capture Time Frame Location (Website) Data Retrieval Sources Measure Types Measures Regional Measure Analysis
Designed to display: Monthly performance data from the Management Information Systems (MIS) –Provides a summary count (numerator, denominator, and rates) for regional activities and outcomes for the State fiscal year State fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) Cumulative performance data –Regional / DEO contracted performance measures Comprised of 28 performance measures –Year to month basis The Department of Economic Opportunity (“Agency”) compiled this report from data provided by other organizations. Neither the State of Florida nor the Agency makes any warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use or inability to use the data, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed. Monthly Management Report
Data captured: –On the first business day after the 15 th day of the following reporting period (month) Posted approximately 20 days after the end of the reporting period –Example: January data posted February 20 –Posted to the Department of Economic Opportunities Website –First report posted in 2002 Monthly Management Report
The data used in the reports comes from: The Department of Children and Families (DCF) DEO (One Stop Service Tracking) Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) Monthly Management Report
Monthly Management Report Measure Types Short-term measures –12 WIA –4 Welfare Transition –4 Wagner-Peyser –2 Veteran –6 Customer Satisfaction
Monthly Management Report Wagner Peyser Measures 17 Wagner-Peyser Entered Employment Rate 18 Wagner-Peyser Entered Emp Rate for those Employed at Participation 19 Wagner-Peyser Job Placement Wage Rate 20 Wagner-Peyser Percent Of Job Openings Filled 21 Short-Term Veterans Entered Employment Rate 22 Short-Term Vet Entered Emp Rate for those Employed at Participation 24Customer Satisfaction - Wagner-Peyser Individuals 27 Customer Satisfaction - Planned Sample Wagner-Peyser
Monthly Management Report Measure 17. Wagner-Peyser Entered Employment Rate –Numerator: The number of Wagner-Peyser exiters who were identified as placed in EFM or found in the Department of Revenue New Hire data in the 90 days following their exit (date of last reportable service) –Denominator: The number of Wagner-Peyser participants who were unemployed at their date of participation and were exited after 90 days without reportable services
Monthly Management Report Measure 18. Wagner-Peyser Entered Employment Rate for Those Employed at Participation. –Numerator: The number of Wagner-Peyser exiters who were identified as placed in EFM or found in the Department of Revenue New Hire data in the 90 days following their exit (date of last reportable service) –Denominator: The number of participants who were employed at their date of participation and were exited after 90 days without a reportable service
Monthly Management Report Measure 19. Wagner-Peyser Job Placement Wage Rate –Numerator: The sum of Wagner-Peyser Job Opening hourly placement wages, divided by the number of placements –Denominator: The regionally adjusted Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) for a family of three
Monthly Management Report Measure 20. Wagner-Peyser Percent of Job Openings Filled –Numerator: The number of Wagner-Peyser Job Openings Filled –Denominator: The number of Wagner-Peyser Job Openings Received
Monthly Management Report Measure 21. Short-Term Veterans Entered Employment Rate –Numerator: The number of Veteran exiters who were identified as placed in EFM or found in the Department of Revenue New Hire data in the 90 days following their exit (date of last reportable service) –Denominator: The number of Veteran participants who were unemployed at their date of participation and were exited after 90 days without a reportable service
Monthly Management Report Measure 22. Short-Term Veterans Entered Employment Rate for Those Employed at Participation –Numerator: The number of Veteran exiters who were identified as placed in EFM or found in the Department of Revenue New Hire data in the 90 days following their exit (date of last reportable service) –Denominator: The number of Veteran participants who were employed at their date of participation and were exited after 90 days without a reportable service
Monthly Management Report Measure 24. Customer Satisfaction – Wagner- Peyser Individuals –Numerator: The weighted average of Wagner-Peyser job seeker ratings on each of the 3 questions regarding overall satisfaction reported on a scale based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) –Denominator: The number of Wagner-Peyser job seekers responding in the monthly telephone survey
Monthly Management Report Measure 27. Customer Satisfaction – Planned Sample – Wagner Peyser –Numerator: The actual Wagner-Peyser customer satisfaction sample size for the month –Denominator: The planned WP customer satisfaction sample size required for the month
Monthly Management Report DEO online reports –DEO Reports PageDEO Reports Page –Front-End Reports on EFMFront-End Reports on EFM –EFM Data Store QueriesEFM Data Store Queries