Chapter 21: New renewable Energy Alternatives
Renewable Energy sun wind geothermal oceans hydrogen
Solar Energy conversion of hydrogen (H) to helium (He) each m2 of area receives about one kilowatt of solar energy= seventeen 60 watt light bulbs therefore each house has enough roof area to generate all it needs using solar panels passive and active solar energy collection
Passive Solar Energy Collection design of buildings construction materials are chosen to: maximize direct absorption of sunlight during winter keep the interior cool in summer by: south facing windows planting vegetation for shade during summer overhangs to block sun in summer heat-absorbing construction materials straw, brick or concrete for example
Passive Solar Energy Collection
Active Solar Energy solar panels solar cookers photovoltaic cells
Active Solar Energy solar panels few on the roof of a house or building collection of mirrors power tower with molten salt creating steam that moves the generator tubes with oil which creates steam that move turbines
Active Solar Energy photovoltaic cells collect sun's energy converting it to electrical energy using semiconductors.
Benefits of PV cell quiet safe require little or no maintenance no moving parts no turbine or generator required each unit lasts 20-30 years
Active Solar Energy allows families to cook without having to gather fuel wood lessens daily workload helps reduce deforestation helps relieve social and environmental stress
Benefits of Solar Power inexhaustible as energy source enough energy to power earth as long as technology develops allows decentralized control over power producing many new jobs does not pollute
Drawbacks of Solar Power localization
Drawbacks of Solar Power costs
Wind Energy wind turbines windmills have been used for more than 800 years in Europe drain wetlands irrigate crops grind grain into flour
Wind first wind turbine was created in the late 1800s rural electrification act 1935 killed its development promoting dams and coal plants not until the oil embargo of 1973 that the idea was brought back and funding for research was given low costs kinetic energy converted into electric energy different turbines are designed to work at different wind speeds faster the wind the more energy it generates
Wind: fast growing energy sector
Offshore Wind Turbines more expensive more productive shallow areas maintenance
Benefits of Using Wind Power cleaner under optimal conditions it is much more effective than any other conventional energy source small to large scale usage farmland can lease a small area and still be productive once built, the costs are only for maintenance as efficiency increases the cost of electricity decreases
Downsides of Wind Power wind is intermittent and unpredictable good resourses are mostly away from populations grid has to be built and that costs money conspicuous people object to farms due to aesthetics not-in-my-backyard syndrome threat to birds and bats
Geothermal Energy generated deep within Earth from an area of volcanic activity along two tectonic plates
Benefits and Limitations reduces emissions relative to fossil fuels other pollutants it produces are in very small quantities filters help control pollutants Limitations can produce other pollutants like CO2, CH4, NH3 sources may not be truly sustainable limited to area where tectonic plates meet water used for energy corrodes equipment shortening lifetime of the plant chemicals in the water may pollute the air
Ocean Energy Sources tides waves currents
Tides rising and fallen of the ocean level twice each day erecting dams across the outlets of the tidal basins outgoing tide will pass through the turbines generating electricity no pollution high impact on the ecology of estuaries
Hydroelectricity from Tidal Waves La Rance- France
Wave Energy converting mechanical energy to electricity harness the motion of wind-driven waves at the ocean surface greater energy is found in deeper ocean sites NY
Wave Energy Generator
Currents marine kinetic energy essentially like underwater wind turbines are now been tested in Europe
Hydrogen Benefits Drawback storage of energy generated by sustainable energy is a problem, hydrogen fuels cells are promising Hydrogen is the fuel and it is abundant clan, bonds H2 and O2 making water as final product Drawback to make the fuel (H2) energy is required and carbon based pollutants are produced possible risk of depleting ozone from stratosphere if H2 leaks
Bloombox or Bloomenergy stack of silica plates covered with patented solutions on both sides it converts oxygen into energy with a minute use of energy (gas, electric, biodisel, etc) one "box" is required for every European home, 2 for every American home no need of the grid several companies are already using it in California EBay Google FedEx CBS 60 minutes 2/21/2010 The End