India's approach to technical textiles Shri. A.B.Joshi Textile Commissioner
Highlights of Indian Technical Textile Industry Technical textile is the fastest growing segment in textiles in India and it has generated a lot on investor interest in recent past. The Indian Technical Textiles market has grown from Rs. 42,000 crores in to Rs. 57,000 crores in registering a CAGR of ~11%. There are over 3000 units manufacturing technical textiles, mostly in small scale sector. About 2/3rd of the production is of commodity products, only 1/3rd is high-end. The pre-dominant segments are Packtech, Clothtech, Hometech and Sportech. These segments primarily include commodity products and not very R&D intensive. Though India is the second largest textile economy after China, its contribution in the global technical textile industry is only 9% to the total consumption.
Unlike traditional textile industry in India, technical textile is an import intensive industry. There are some large domestic players in this segment like SRF, Entremonde Polycoaters, Kusumgar Corporates, Supreme Nonwovens Pvt. Ltd., Garware Wall Ropes, Century Enka, Techfab India Ltd., Unimin, etc. In addition, there are several multinational large players in technical textiles like Johnson & Johnson, Du Pont, Procter & Gamble, 3M, SKAPs, Kimberly Clark, Ahlstorm, Maccaferri, Strata, and Terram etc. who have set up their manufacturing facilities in India. Large textile houses like Arvind Limited and Welspun are now focusing to develop strong technical textiles businesses. Highlights of Indian Technical Textile Industry
The Indian technical textile industry has presence in all the 12 segments but consumption pattern is different. India’s consumption level is different than global level. The top three segments in the World vis-à-vis India are given below: GlobalIndia Segment% shareSegment% share Mobiletech24Packtech35 Indutech16Clothtech17 Sportech15Hometech12 Others45Others36 Total100Total100 Highlights of Indian Technical Textile Industry
Segmentation of Indian Technical Textiles market
,756 63,202 12% 21% 11% Figures in bar chart are in Rs. crore * Based on the past trend of growth and estimated end user segment growth, the sub-group on technical textiles for 12 th five year plan has projected the market size to Rs. 1,58,540 crore for the year with a growth rate of 20% year on year basis. Market size of Technical Textiles in India 1,58,540 20%
Segment (P) Rs. in croreUS $ mnRs. in croreUS $ mn Clothtech Packtech Sporttech Mobiltech Buildtech Hometech Indutech Meditech Protech Geotech Agrotech Oekotech** Total 63,20214,3641,58,54036,032 Segment wise market size of Indian Technical Textile Industry * Projection by sub-group on technical textiles for 12th five year plan with a growth rate of 20% year on year ** Oekeotech size has already been considered as a part of Geotech.
Growth of consuming industry: India has witnessed a high growth of its economy in last decade, which is expected to continue in foreseeable future as well. With increase in investments in industry sectors, higher consumption and growing exports, the industrial sector is poised for a considerable growth. This will ultimately lead to increased demand of technical textiles products. Industry segment contributes to nearly 28% of the overall GDP and has seen excellent growth in past. In recent times, the industrial sector has seen higher investments across the board. Increasing affordability of Consumer The income of Indian consumer is also growing very fast. This rise will enable them to make more discretionary spent on technical textile products viz. Hometech, Clothtech, Mobiltech, Sportech and Meditech. Per Capita income of Indian consumer has increased from Rs. 46,492 in the year to 54,527 in the year 17% Increasing adaptability level / acceptance of products Not only the capacity of consumers to spend is growing, but also their willingness to spend on products which were not used previously is increasing. Such products include wipes, diapers, sanitary napkins, disposable sheets, pads, etc. With growing awareness, consumer will realize, and be willing to pay for the superior functionality of such technical textile products. Key drivers for growth of technical textile Industry in India.
Government initiatives Govt. of India in order to promote the filed of technical textiles has taken many steps in a structured manner. Some the major schemes for technical textiles are : 1.Scheme for Growth and Development of Technical Textiles (SGDTT): A Scheme for Growth and Development of Technical Textiles (SGDTT) was launched during comprising of 3 components: a) Baseline Survey of Technical Textile Industry in India,(Fund utilised- Rs lakhs) The baseline survey of technical textile industry was carried out. The report contains details on raw material, technology, machinery etc. b)Creation of Awareness (Fund utilised- Rs crore) More than 60 no. of Seminars/ workshops /Training programmes were organized by Office of the Textile Commissioner across the country during the course of scheme. c)Setting up of four Centres of Excellence (fund utilised-Rs crore.) Four Centres of Excellence (COEs) were set up, i.e., BTRA for COE Geotech, SASMIRA for COE Agrotech, NITRA for COE Protech and SITRA for COE Meditech. The COEs are working like one stop shop to provide infrastructure support in terms of Facilities for testing with national and international accreditation center, Development of Resource Centre with I.T. infrastructure, Facilities for training, prototype development etc.
Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT) Technology Mission on Technical Textiles (TMTT)Govt. has recently launched TMTT with two mini missions for a period of five years (from to ) with two Mini Missions. The aim of TMTT is to address the issues like lack of basic infrastructure in terms of testing facilities, lack of market development support, skilled manpower, lack of R & D, absence of regulatory measures, absence of specifications and standards for technical textiles etc. The total fund outlay for TMTT is Rs 200 Crore. Mini Mission-I (financial outlay Rs.156 crore) oSetting up of four new Centers of Excellence (COEs) in Composites, Non-Wovens, Indutech: Four new COEs are being set up. oUp gradation of existing four COEs: The existing COEs will be upgraded in line with new COEs i.e. with incremental facilities like incubation centre and development of prototypes and provision for appointment of consultants. Government initiatives
Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT) Mini Mission-II (financial outlay Rs. 44 crore) 1)Support for Business Start Up. 2)Fund support for organizing workshops/ seminar 3)Support for Contract Research. 4)Market development support for sale to the institutional buyers. 5)Identification of regulations required for promotion of technical textiles. 6)Support for domestic & export market development of technical textiles. Government initiatives
Mini Mission-I 1. Setting up of new COEs Three new COEs namely DKTE Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra for Non –wovens, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu for Indutech and Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s Research Association (ATIRA), Ahmadabad, Gujarat. for composites have been designated and they have started establishing the facilities. The selection of COE:sportech is in process. 2. Upgradation of existing COEs: Rs crore each has already been provided all the four existing COEs and the COEs have started procurement of machineries/instruments for upgradation Progress of Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT)
Mini Mission-II 1. Support for business start-up: Technical Textiles is a new area and entrepreneurs find it difficult to invest in this field due to lack of knowledge about technology, raw material, process etc. Therefore, support for ‘business start-up’ is provided under the Mini Mission II of the TMTT. The COE and other associations / institutes / independent reputed consultants will be empanelled by the MOT / Office of the Textile Commissioner who will prepare project reports and do the hand holding of the potential entrepreneurs till the completion of the projects. Following Two consultants have been empanelled for doing hand holding of potential entrepreneurs in starting the business under TMTT: Progress of Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT) Sr. No. Name of the Consultant ID Contact Person Telephone Nos. 1 M/s. K's Technical & Management Consultants Shri RavishankarG M/s. Technopak Advisors Pvt Ltd Shri Arindam Saha
Mini Mission-II 2.Providing fund support for organizing workshops: Technical Textiles are still at nascent stage and its awareness level is very low. Hence National and International Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and short term training programmes will be organised across the country to dissipate the knowledge among stake holders of technical textiles. The workshops/seminars/conference organised across the country under this component till date are given below: Progress of Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT) S. NoName of the event In association with PlaceDate 1Seminar on Protective Agrotextiles-Advantages & Future prospects SASMIRACoimbatore Seminar/Workshop on Protective Textile & Workwear FICCI - WRC, Mumbai Kanpur Conference on Technical Textiles focus on Medical and infrastructure sectors CIICoimbatore
Mini Mission-II 3. Market development Support for marketing support to bulk and institutional buyers etc: Under the component Buyers-sellers meet will be organized across the country wherein the indigenous manufacturers can showcase their products and institutional buyers will be invited for enhancing their marketing competitiveness. This event is being supported under this component. Progress of Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT)
Mini Mission-II 4.Market development Support for export sales: There are many reputed technical textile fairs organized abroad like TECHTEXTIL and Industrial Fabrics Exhibition, Index etc., the participation in which will improve the export potential of the indigenous manufacturers. Some of the technical textile units are also participating in the exhibition of application based fairs. The support includes participation in Technical Textile fairs/Application based fairs by the Indian technical textile manufacturers to exhibit their products. So far this office has approved four units for their participation in International trade fair under this component as given below: Progress of Technology Mission On Technical Textiles (TMTT) S.No.Name of the TT unitName of the trade fair 1 M/s Ginni Filaments LtdINDEX 11, Switzerland 2 M/s Kusumgar Corporates Pvt Ltd.TechTextil, Frankfurt, Germany 3 M/s Hindoostan Technical Fabrics Ltd.TechTextil, Frankfurt, Germany 4 M/s Thea-Tex Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd.Hospitalar 2011, Brazil
Major machinery required for the technical textiles has been placed in the concessional custom duty list of 5 percent. Specified technical textile products are covered under focus product scheme/green technology products/hi-tech products of Exim policy and are entitled for duty credit scrip equivalent to 2% of FOB value of exports. Technical textile machinery is covered under the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) and eligible for 5% interest reimbursement & 10% capital subsidy. Under the Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP), the Government provides assistance for creation of infrastructure in the parks to the extent of 40% limited to Rs.40 crore(US$ 8.82 mn.). Under Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS), it is proposed to train 22,000 personnel in technical textile sector during the year & In Textile sector FDI is permitted through automatic route without any limit on the extent of foreign ownership. Thus there is no restriction on any amount of FDI, with or without local partner. Government incentives are equally applicable to FDI units Other Government initiatives
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