Lesson 2 – Consequences of a Steadfast Faith
Migdol Marah Elim miles 200 miles
Ex 3:15-Ex 40 Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy (123 chptrs) 430 years captivity 1794 BC Joseph dies, 110 yrs old Ex 1:1-6 Ex 1:7 People of Israel numbering approx 2 million 1486 BC Moses flees Ex 2: BC Year of Exodus Middle Kingdom Second Intermediate New Kingdom Ex 3-Ex 14 The “Exodus” (12 chptrs) More than 250 yrs after Joseph and his generation die, “a new king arose” Ex 1:8 (Thutmose III, Amenhotep II) Dt 34: BC Moses dies 1876 BC Jacob (Israel) Arrives Joseph approx years old Jacob with 75 people 1526 BC Moses born Ex 2:2 Joseph given the land of Goshen as a home Israelites prospered…just as God had promised Abraham Their great blessing eventually caused fear in Egypt Leads to their ‘salvation’ by God… …and a lot of lessons for us to learn from it
Joseph’s Example Genesis – Favored start, betrayed, slavery, rises, framed, imprisoned, rises, forgotten, remembered, rises… What were the consequences of Joseph’s faith, character, conduct, and work ethic? – What can we take from his work under Potipher, the Jailor, and Pharaoh? – What of his attitude especially given his path to his position? …acts honorably, forgives, is honored, key actor in Israel’s history and God’s plan – What? No bitterness, despair, selfish ambition, vengeful attitude?
Israelites in Egypt: Good Times and Bad Exodus 1:1-21 – 1:12 multiplied under affliction? – 1:15-21 courage from faith? Risks vs Benefits? – Part of a calculus? An extended run of ‘good living’ for yrs – What can we take from long ‘good’ followed by comparatively short ‘bad’?
Birth of Moses Ex 2:1-10 – Baby saved by mother’s love Sister and Mother seize opportunity – 2:9 received material gain – 2:10 stayed true to agreement, – Insights from actions/belief of mother? God creates a path forward even in the most extreme adversity/implausible circumstances
Moses in Egypt – First 40 Years Ex 2:11-15 His time as an Egyptian, raised in royal household – Relationship between Moses and ‘his brethren’? Acted in compassion, from a presumed sense of justice…yet what of the response? Thoughts about Pharaoh’s perspective, v15? Where is God in this?
Insights One cannot know how things will turn out…yet we can know to put our trust in God – Perseverance – Honorable living…ethical, moral – Courage…derived from? – Others? Theme: Steadfastness in Faith
Exodus: Fickle People—Steadfast God July 19—Joseph to Moses: Consequences of a Steadfast Faith July 26—Moses: Prepared for the Task Aug 2—The Plagues, 1-9 Aug 9—The Tenth Plague (Part 1) Aug 16—The Tenth Plague (Part 2) Aug 23—Exodus from Egypt Aug 30—Songs and Prayers Sep 6—Mount Sinai Sep 13—Priesthood and Tabernacle (Part 1) Sep 20—Priesthood and Tabernacle (Part 2) Sep 27—A Mighty Culmination…and Beginning Bonus – Odd things