ECOCLIMAP, A GLOBAL DATABASE OF LAND SURFACE PARAMETERS AT 1KM RESOLUTION J.L. CHAMPEAUX, V. MASSON, F. CHAUVIN METEO-FRANCE/CNRM, 42, Av Coriolis, Toulouse Cedex, France Tph : (0) , Fax : (0) , Mots-clé : Landcover,surface parameters, leaf area index, atmospheric models
Input parameters: depending on soil - Percentage of sand and clay - Soil depth depending on vegetation - Fraction of végétation (VEG) - Leaf area index (LAI) - Minimal stomatal resistance - Rugosity (Z0) dépending on soil and vegetation - Albedo - Emissivity Atmospheric forcing SVAT SCHEME
Temporal profiles NDVI NOAA/AVHRR or SPOT/VGT Land cover maps Climate maps 225 ecosystems Database of of surface parameters Soil types
Land cover map at 1km resolution (University of Maryland)
Corine Land cover over Europe at 250m resolution
Climate global map (Koeppe et de Lond, 1958)
différent crop types Different woodland types
NDVI profiles (Wooded grassland, closed shrubland)
LAI=LAI min + (LAI max -LAI min ) * (NDVI-NDVI min )/(NDVI max -NDVI min )
Leaf Area Index for July
Annual mean Albedo
Comparison LAI ECOCLIMAP (in Y-axis) and LAI in situ (in X-axis)
Comparison LAI June Between ECOCLIMAP POLDER and ISCLSCP2
Daily Tmax Anomalies 10 years of simulation by comparison with the climatology CRU( ) for ECOCLIMAP and the old database Henderson-Sellers Old base New base New - old base
Project: UPDATE ECOCLIMAP using GLC2000 landcover map and Corine 2000 for Europe Contribution of the GLC 2000 land cover map at global scale: - Consistent legend with LCCS classifiers - Good description of the different biomes - Real 1km resolution The knowledge of regional experts will be very useful to specify the surface parameters: fraction of vegetation, LAI …….. THE DATABASE IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB:
CONCLUSIONS: Global database of surface parameters at 1km resolution (minimum) complete, robust and et coherent Used in all the operational NWP and research models of Meteo-France: - ARPEGE CLIMAT - ARPEGE NWP - ALADIN - MESO-NH