Keep Calm and Get Your Resource Map On! Please sit with members from your city as you enter Building Your School’s Toolkit of Preventive Supports and Tiered Interventions.
Welcome! Session Facilitators – Jennifer Zeringue (STF Capitol Middle) and Ryan Mattingly (S4 East Baton Rouge)
Session Objectives/Goals Define what a Resource Map “is” and “is not” in the Diplomas Now context. Identify existing and needed Whole School “Preventative Supports and Interventions” for every classroom. By the end of the session you will be able to identify a comprehensive approach to include all teachers, staff and school partners in creating your school’s “Preventive Support and Intervention Resource Map.”
Session Overview Reflection & Next Steps 5 Min Do Now HR Mapping 10 Min Tiered Intervention Scavenger Hunt 15 Min Resource Mapping Myths/Facts Game Show 10 Min Resource Mapping Activity 20 Min Gallery Walk 15 Min
Human Resource Mapping Activity You are tasked with the job of creating a “Human Resource Map” with your table team. Your table’s “HR Map” should help identify the name and location of the people you are seated with, as well any hidden talents, skills, and experiences they bring to the table.
Directions for Human Resource Mapping Assign Roles Assign a facilitator, recorder and reporter for your table group. Design Your Map Using the poster paper and markers on your table have your recorder draw a map of the location people are seated at. Sharing Human Resources The facilitator will ask each person at their table to share their name (nicknames as well if any), hidden talents and previous work experiences. As people share out the recorder will write their responses on the table’s map. Report Out Each table’s reporter will briefly share out 1 or 2 surprising hidden talent’s or past experiences that member’s at their table shared.
The Cube – Creating A Shared Resource Map Tier 3
Exit Ticket: What You Take? Reflection and Setting Next Steps As you begin to think about your next steps in creating or updating your school’s Resource Map consider the following as you complete your School’s Exit Ticket Action Plan: Does your school already have a version of a Resource Map? Are all the available resources aligned to your student’s and school’s needs? What is your timeline in ensuring you are able to create and/or update your school’s Resource Map with all stakeholders before school starts? How can you ensure that you involve all stakeholders (faculty, staff, school partners, parents, students, etc.) at the school in Creating/Updating Your Schools Resource Map Before the Start of the School Year?
Thank you! Comments, Questions, and Contact Info: Jennifer Zeringue at Ryan Mattingly at