Updates from the Center for GIS Relevant to the NCR Matt Felton & Ken Juengling Towson University Center for GIS (CGIS) 4/8/2008 MWCOG GIS Committee Meeting
Overview l Cooperative Addressing Initiative l MD iMap l Virginia EMMA Whitepaper l USGS CAP Grant – Landmark Structures l UASI Proposal l HIRA on MWCOG Server
Cooperative Addressing Initiative
Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative: Immediate Project Goals l To provide a unified, statewide road centerline that supports addressing needs; l To provide counties with a means to automatically share an unrefined version (i.e., not for federal reporting) of their street centerline data; l To augment existing efforts of Maryland State Highway Administration’s federal reporting by improving data access via a centralized distribution node; l To advance ESRI’s mission in demonstrating the data synchronization capabilities of ArcGIS Server 9.2; l To increase the efficiency of statewide highway incident reporting. Long Range Goal: To establish a single, statewide road centerline that supports addressing, linear referencing, routing, and cartography.
Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative: Project Benefits l Foundation for Maryland’s Spatial Data Infrastructure l Unified, statewide addressing layer that supports geocoding l Counties can geocode beyond their borders l States can leverage locally rich data consistently l Elimination of the need for manual data exchange via CD l Ability to establish a persistent replica that is updated automatically l Ability to extract data for a specified geography through a geodata service l Accessible by other applications that require geocoding l Combining Web services through a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach l Builds upon established SHA database schema
Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative: Minimum Level of Effort Required By County l Agree to push production data to a CGIS server l Install free software l Schedule automatic “pushed” updates
County 1 County 2County 3 Master DB Geodata Service Map Service Map Service Geocoding Service ETL Merge Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative: Conceptual Architecture Map Service Map Service Map Service Map Service Map Service Map Service Geodata Service
Addressing Initiative: Production Timeline for 2008 April 30 th 5 PILOT COUNTIES May 31 st 4 COUNTIES June 30 th 4 COUNTIES July 31 st 4 COUNTIES August 31 st 4 COUNTIES September 30 th 3 COUNTIES PILOT PRODUCTION
Maryland Addressing Initiative: Readiness Levels
MD iMap l Maryland’s coordinated GIS base map l View data provided on the map – in some cases the data they will see is data from their own agency or jurisdiction that they otherwise have no access to l Build their own simple tools and applications that will use the basemap data and services or use the tools built by others l Provide their citizens and customers with the information necessary to help affect change in those communities l Successfully demoed to Maryland Governor O’Malley on March 25, 2008.
Federated Centerline Geocoding MD iMap - BayStat NSDI Clearinghouse (public) MMRG – Contacts, Events, Activities, Initiatives, Minutes Maryland Spatial Data Infrastructure Conceptual Hierarchy of Components Information Catalogs Applications Services Data Federated Parcels Statewide Imagery Others… ReportingMap ViewsOthers… MD iMap - xStatOthers… MEGIN Clearinghouse (secure) Draft
MD iMap Screenshot: ArcGIS Explorer
Virginia EMMA Whitepaper l EMMA deployed at multiple locations in Virginia l Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC) l Charlottesville/Albemarle County/UVA l City of Richmond l Integrated with WebEOC (except Richmond) l Purpose of whitepaper: l To discuss the benefits and process of establishing a unified, regional approach to EMMA GIS in Virginia
Virginia EMMA Whitepaper – Table of Contents
USGS CAP Grant – Landmark Structures l Purpose: to establish an automated, sustainable means to collect, document, assemble, and distribute landmark structures data to The National Map for Maryland and the National Capital Region l Project Partners: Baltimore, Frederick, and Montgomery Counties in Maryland, the district of Columbia, and Fairfax County, VA l Data themes: landmark buildings that would appear on USGS quads, such as schools, post offices, courthouses, fire stations, railroad stations, etc. l Goals: l Primary: to assemble and contribute FGDC landmark structures data to The National Map l Secondary: to establish an automated, sustainable process that enables additional jurisdictions to contribut structures data to The National Map using the process and standards developed through the project
UASI Proposal: Establishing a Coordinated Regional Geospatial Infrastructure l 3 main areas of emphasis: l Strategic planning for Regional Geospatial Capabilities l Implementation of a Regional Emergency Geographic Information Network (REGIN), and l Creation of Prepositioned Collections of Geospatial Data and Capabilities
UASI Proposal – Regional Geospatial Infrastructure l Establish Regional Collaboration of Geospatial Activities within the GIS community l Strengthen Information Sharing and Collaboration Capabilities l Coordinate with Other Regional Interoperability Efforts l Create GIS Capability Awareness Among Public Safety Community l Strengthen Planning and Community Preparedness Capabilities l Foster ongoing growth and usage of geospatial data and capabilities
HIRA Application on MWCOG Server Project Goal from HIRA (2007): To create a regional GIS capability that: – Supports the goals and priorities of the HIRA Project and GIS Managers Subcommittee – Leverages existing data assets within the region – Maintains consistency with GIS efforts in DC, Maryland, and Virginia – Provides a platform upon which additional capabilities can be built
Matt Felton, Director Center for GIS, Towson University (410) Ken Juengling, Project Manager Center for GIS, Towson University (410) Questions?