 50,000 of the kids that are addicted to drugs are Australians. Many Kids die at the age of 5 from heart attacks for taking Ritalin.  Some children.


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Presentation transcript:

 50,000 of the kids that are addicted to drugs are Australians. Many Kids die at the age of 5 from heart attacks for taking Ritalin.  Some children can get addicted to drugs by Ritalin. The child may be addicted to drugs at early age or later in life.  Many children addictions start by the Brain Reward System. Many people say that drugs can wire the brain.  Dr. Andrew Lawrence said that most children get addicted to drugs because they have a loss in their family.

 At Valley Baptist hospitals a response team sees an average of one abuse patient per day and about twenty patients per week in need of forensic evaluation.  Child abuse is a universal and democratic problem that Rio Grande Valley residents deal with no more or no less than any other region.  Dr. Fisch started a local conference six years ago, targeted for Valley agencies costing $240 for perfessionals.

 Forty percent of U.S. teens say that they expect to use drugs in the future.  One out of every five kids in the eighth grade has already tried marijuana.  Many children ask their parents if they should or should not take drugs.  Teens who smoke are more likely to drink alcohol.

 More than 8% of eighth graders, 16% of sophomores, and 24% of seniors report recent binge drinking.  50% of high school sophomores and 60% of seniors got drunk in the last month.  Car crashes are the leading cause of death among people between the ages 15 and 20.  Alcohol use interacts with conditions like depression and stress, and contributes to an estimated 300 teen suicides a year.

 The most serious effects of teenage drinking is that it leads to adult dependence.  Teenagers that are 15 or younger are more likely two get addicted to drugs than any other teenager.  Drinking and driving is another effect on teen drinking.  40% of all alcohol-related fatal car crashes involve teens.

 The average age when youth first try alcohol is 11 for boys and 13 for girls.  The average age of which Americans begin drinking regularly is 15.9 years old.  Annually, more than 5,000 deaths of people under age 21 are linked to underage drinking.  The three leading causes of death for 15- to 24- year olds are automobile crashes, homicide, and suicide – alcohol is the leading factor in all three.