Walt Disney By Leah
Introduction Walt Disney was a very talented man. He made lots of movies. He had a big career as a cartoonist.
Childhood Walt Disney had a fun childhood. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He grew up on a farm in Missouri. He worked for his dad in a jelly factory. Walt never paid attention because he drew in class.
Good Cartoonist Walt Disney learned to be a good cartoonist. He drew in class instead of doing his work. Walt went to art class. When he got older he did art school through mail.
Getting Famous He made hundreds of movies, comics, shows on TV and books (like Sleeping Beauty). He earned an Academy Award. He also had 26 awards for his drawings.
Remembering Walt People remembered him as being a great cartoonist. Disney land opened 5 years later after he died. There is a Disney channel. There is a book about him. There is a family museum in San Francisco. There is an award also to remember him.
Conclusion Walt Disney had a busy life because he always was drawing or making a movie. Maybe one day I will be as good as him!
Sources Walt Disney by Carin T. Ford Factmonster web site Wikipedia web site