Thank You for Joining Us Today! Introduction to the AIAA Educator Academy Space Weather Balloon Module will begin at 2 PM EST Don’t Forget! You will need to call in for the audio portion of this webinar: Phone: Passcode:
Introduction to the AIAA Educator Academy Space Weather Balloon Module Ben Longmier
Webinar Overview The Engineering Challenge of Bouyant Flight Costs and Financing Curriculum Module AIAA Workshops Available Capstone Event
Goals and Objectives Today’s Webinar will: Introduce you to the concept and utility of a helium balloon flight engineering challenge Design, Build, and Fly for HS students Convince you that materials are available to excite students about STEM via this challenge Convince you there is available training for you to execute the concept in the classroom / after school Inform you about resources for putting together a Capstone Competition
Genesis Module stems from Project Aether Run by Ben Longmier from Houston (3 yrs), and now Ann Arbor Michigan (1yr) – Middle School, High School, undergrad levels of hands- on education Key Aspect Designed to be highly interactive in terms of gaining hands-on build experience and field experience
Space Weather Balloon Concept
Challenge Construct equipment to fly to the edge of space and back while: Tracking with GPS and radio Taking photos Performing an experiment Flight takes 2-3 hrs, travels ~100miles Recovery can be in remote areas Future engineering design challenges For now, just surviving and getting back is the challenge!
Setting Up to Fly
Launch Day (or night)
Taking Off
Costs – Reusable Items Reusable Items – 1 per teacher Power Pole –Kelvin $ – 16V DC Transformer –Kelvin $125 – Potential funding with AIAA Educator Grant Program Currently $250 per teacher, 2 teachers per school per year – Should also contact your local AIAA section for support
Cost – Consumable Items Cost per plane for a proven foam wing design is < $10 With team of 4 student < $2.50 a student
Curriculum Module Contains a 12 week lesson unit plan for the classroom to prepare for Planning, Launch/Recovery Experiment ideas List of supplies
Curriculum Module – National Standards Correlation to National Standards Science Standards 9-12 National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS·S) National Math Standards K-12 National Languages Arts Standard K-12
Curriculum Module – Glossary of Balloon Terms Balloon Terms Atmospheric pressure, aurora borealis, bar, millibar, buoyancy, buoyant force, cosmic ray, geomagnetic storm, magnetosphere, metrology, payload, space, near-space, outer space, sprites, telemetry
Curriculum Module – Background Information for Educators Historical Perspective on Balloon Flight Uses NASA Engineering Design Process for Secondary Students
Curriculum Module – Background Information for Educators
Curriculum Module – Week 1
Curriculum Module – Week 2
Curriculum Module – Week 3
Curriculum Module – Week 4
Curriculum Module – Week 5
Curriculum Module – Week 6
Curriculum Module – Week 7
Curriculum Module – Week 8-12
Cracking The Code Not all teachers will feel comfortable with all aspects of a Balloon launch and recovery Science and Math Teachers will understand the STEM Content but not how to build balloon payloads Tech Teachers may know how to build balloon payloads but not feel comfortable with STEM Content Some after school programs are run by dedicated but overwhelmed Liberal Arts teachers A workshop demonstrating the payload build and launch process in practice is highly helpful!
Educator Academy Electric Cargo Plane Workshop AIAA IDC Funded Through September 2014 Instructors Ben Longmier – University Professor –University of Michigan, Aerospace Engineering Dept. Gar Bering– University Professor –University of Houston, Physics Dept –AIAA STEM K-12 Chair Liz Henriquez– High School Teacher –lead curriculum developer and faculty member for the New Jersey Center For Teaching and Learning
Educator Academy Space Weather Balloon Workshop Setup Day Before Workshop Schedule 8 – 8:10 – Welcome and Introductions 8:10 – 9:30 – Formal Instruction 9:30 – 12:00 – Building Payload Commences 12:00 – 12:40 – Lunch 12:40 – 1:30 – Building and Refining 1:30 – 4:30 – Refining and Launch of small balloons
Educator Academy Space Weather Balloon Workshop Supplies AIAA Provides Specialty Items –Weather balloons, Lunch box payloads, –basic tracking hardware for example launch Host provides locally available supplies –Consumables paid by AIAA »Helium, foam construction materials, … –Non-Consumables provided by Host »Tools, Garbage Cans, Shop Vac, PC projector, …
Capstone Event Training materials are available for holding capstone event by AIAA Section or Local Sponsor Webcast this Fall Hope is to have a series of Regional Challenges that feed into an Institute level Challenge
Thank You for Attending Today! Additional Questions and Information: Ben Longmier, STEM K-12 Committee, Gar Bering, STEM K-12 Chair, Lisa Bacon, AIAA Program Manager, Helpful websites: Curriculum module: Example program and supplies: Flight predictions: