Commonwealth Engineering Design (CED) Academy Learning K-12 Science through Engineering Design and Manufacturing
The CED Academy Mission is to “teach science in the context of engineering design through advanced manufacturing while preparing graduates for success in a competitive global economy.” This approach also integrates mathematics and technology skills in authentic contexts. The knowledge and understanding gained through this process will serve as the framework for preparation of a new generation of science teachers.
CED Background The 3D printer - developed through the CED initiative - was the first 3D printer designed explicitly for K-12 schools. It can be assembled in less than a day with only $1,000 in parts.
CED Background Complementary CAD software for K-12 schools, FabLab ModelMaker 3D was developed to support the 3D printer. This lowers the threshold for CAD design in schools through easy-to- use software explicitly designed to address K-12 educational objectives.
CED Academy Goals 1. Integrate engineering concepts into science instruction to allow students to learn science in a meaningful context 2. Provide a point-of entry for students who previously may have struggled with STEM subjects 3. Establish a replicable proof-of- concept for all levels of the STEM pipeline 4. Prepare students for high-tech jobs in a competitive global economy
Federal, State, Local, and Foundation Support includes: NSF ITEST grant, the FabLab Classroom U.S. Department of Education Support Motorola Foundation Award MacArthur Foundation Award State of Virginia Lab School Planning Grant Charlottesville City Renovation Funds
CED Laboratory School for Advanced Manufacturing Construction will begin on June 6 at Buford Middle School and open on August 21, 2013 It is not designed as a magnet school; All students will have the opportunity to participate.
CED Laboratory School for Advanced Manufacturing The high school will open one year later. It will include the same technologies found in the University’s Rapid Prototyping and Mechatronics Labs (i.e., 3D printers, CNC machines, laser cutters, etc.). A cross-walked curriculum will be keyed to state and common core standards.
CED Laboratory School for Advanced Manufacturing On-going support for teachers will be provided throughout the school year. Teachers in the Lab School will teach during the morning and collaborate with University partners in the afternoon. Professional development courses will be provided for teachers during the summer. Parallel summer workshops will be provided for K-12 students.
CED Laboratory School for Advanced Manufacturing The high school, middle school, and university will be connected by an always-on video conferencing link. The Curry School and Engineering curriculum will be revised in parallel with corresponding changes in the K-12 curriculum.
Joint Education / Engineering Courses Engineering faculty are jointly teaching courses with faculty from the Curry School of Education. Engineering students in these courses are developing innovations that are being piloted in CED Academies. Teams of undergraduate engineering interns will support joint efforts. A series of “Engineering for Science Teachers” courses is also under development.
Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) 2010 – CCAM founded 2012 – CCAM headquarters completed
Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing The current CCAM membership includes three universities and 15 corporate partners. The CCAM facility and research equipment represents an investment of more that $30 million from federal, state, university, and industry partners. Industry partners have also committed more than $15 million in support of research projects.
Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing Vision Create a public-private effort that lowers R&D costs for member companies Bridge the gap between research and commercialization Train the next generation of technology leaders, and Influence the K-12 curriculum with meaningful and real examples
CED / CCAM Collaboration CED will pilot models of workforce development for advanced manufacturing Assess learning outcomes in CED Academies Provide an on-ramp from K-12 schools to community colleges for advanced manufacturing Provide a replicable model that can be disseminated to other K-12 schools.
CED / CCAM Collaboration CCAM can provide internships for CED students, Identify CCAM volunteers for collaborations with students and teachers in K-12 schools, Provide resources for professional development programs for teachers, and Provide in-kind and other resources to support Commonwealth Engineering Design programs in K-12 schools
Commonwealth Engineering Design (CED) Academy “The competitiveness of US industries will be purchased largely in the K-12 classroom.” The Gathering Storm, National Academy of Engineering