Uncle Jed’s Barbershop By Margaree King Mitchell Corby Arthur Beethoven Street Elementary School Third Grade
equipmentnounpg 95 tools or supplies used for a given purpose
When he was done, he would pick me up and sit me in his lap and tell me about the barbershop he was going to open one day and about all the fancy equipment that would be in it. Pedro’s hammer is an important part of his equipment for work.
sharecroppersnounpg 96 people who farm someone else’s land and are paid with a share of the crops shac k
But most people were sharecroppers. That meant they lived in a shack and worked somebody else’s land in exchange for a share of the crop. Daddy told me about the times when our grandparents were sharecroppers.
exchangeverbpg 96 trade one thing for another
That meant they lived in a shack and worked somebody else’s land in exchange for a share of the crop. In exchange for her work, Sara earned 15 dollars.
delayedverbpg 99 caused to wait
I know that three hundred dollars delayed him from opening the barbershop. The snowstorm delayed our flight.
examineverbpg 97 look in detail
When the doctors did examine me, they told my parents that I needed an operation and that it would cost three hundred dollars. I will examine my results to draw a conclusion.
failingpg 100 losing all its money
He came by to tell Uncle Jed about the bank failing. We know the little grocery store was failing, so we always went there to buy our groceries.