Animal Shelter By: Tabitha Stevens
Cleaning Cat Cages Clean out newspapers Place new newspapers in cage Place fresh food, water, and litter
Bite Case Hand The Bite Case hand is used for the animals that have bitten there owners. In order to clean their cages, we have to use the hand to get them to the other side of the cage, and place the divider in between both cages to protect the cat and the worker.
Bite Case Cat
Missy Kitty The Animal Shelter is allowed to have two animals of there own. This is Missy Kitty, she is the Shelter’s pet. She roams around the office, it is her home.
Feeding a Kitten This kitten only has a foster mother. Sometimes it doesn’t get fed enough, therefore it gets fed milk through a tube. Many kittens are too young when they come to the animal shelter, so they are put to sleep. This kitten was almost too little, but we fell in love with it and had to see if we could get it to eat.
Elaborate Uniforms Many of the employees wear uniforms like this. They are very colorful. This is Mrs. Sabine, she helped me with my volunteer work. She loves to wear a variety of colors and animals on her uniform.
Looking Back I enjoyed the volunteer work at the Animal Shelter. I have already adopted a ferret named Buffy. Walking the dogs was probably the most fun. Cleaning really isn’t that bad, just make sure you read the cards on the animals cages because some could be bite cases. I am looking forward to more volunteer work for the Animal Shelter.
The End