Course Overview B290 Fall 2014
What is a strategy? Context / Environment Political Regulatory Technological Resources Skills Knowledge Assets Capital Market Users Needs Valuation Competitors Current Potential A coherent set of decisions about resource deployment that moves the organization towards its objective
Analytical Tools Strategy toolkit Porter’s 5 forces The R.B.V. Generic Strategies Diversification T.C.E. and Vertical Integration Game theory (S.W.O.T.) BGC growth share matrix Product / industry life cycle McKinsey 7-S Other useful domains Institutional theory Organization theory Psychology and social psychology Economics Economic sociology Political science
Strategic Management Process Analysis Implementation What is our current situation? Industry structure Unique firm competencies Where do we want to be? How can we change the industry structure? How can we change the firm’s capabilities? What targets should we set? What organizational structures and processes do we need? How do we align people? Who will we work with (who does what)? What investments are needed? Formulation
Strategic Management Process Analysis Context / Goals Implementation How are we doing? -In relation to our goals -Relative to our competitors -Relative to stakeholder expectations What things do we need to change? How do we exploit opportunities? How do we evade / counter the threats? What targets should we set? What organizational structures and processes do we need? How do we align people? Who will we work with (who does what)? What investments are needed? Formulation How best to frame the situation? Where are the key metrics? What are the key drivers? Does a different framing suggest different drivers and metrics? Where do we want to get to?
Strategic Management Process Business Plan Development The Rokudan Framework Strategic Management Process Business Plan Development The Rokudan Framework Course Sequence Strategic Management Theory ‘Content’ and Analytical Tools Strategic Management Theory ‘Content’ and Analytical Tools
Course sequence (detail) Industry Analysis, RBV, Generic Strategies, Diversification, Mergers and Acquisitions, Network Externalities, Disruptive Technologies, Technology S-curves Business models, Technology development, Intuition, Context switching Pivots, MVP, Value proposition, Marketing and Sales, Operations, Finance, Accounting, Management and staffing, Presentations Business plan Mid-term
Business plan Vehicle through which you demonstrate you understanding of: –your target market / customer e.g., needs, willingness to pay constraints –Your product Features, costs, constraints, –The envisioning of preferred and some alternate strategies –The identification of assumptions and contingencies –Cost benefit of alternative strategies
Information about the class Course home page: –Contact information –Class agendas –What you need to prepare for each class Book readings and downloads PowerPoint slides –Deliverables and due dates Links to Canvas assignment