Types of Visual Agnosia Inability to access memory associative agnosia Mesial Temporal Subcortex Types of Visual Agnosia Recognition Surrounding Visual Cortex Top Down Perceptual Processing Inability to integrate Features apperceptive Agnosia or simultagnosia Occipital Cortex Bottom up Perceptual Processing LGN of Thalamus Retina
Lexical recognition disorders Decision stage Motor Planning Deep dyslexia: c,(e) Alexia: a,c,(e) Agraphia: d Word deafness: b e d og /dawg/ /d/ /ahg/ b /dawg/ /d/ /ahg/ dog c a dog d d og d
Summary Comparison between representation of perceptual input and representations in memory Redundant pathways increase probability of match Response includes multiple associated representations Priming, agnosia, and apraxia provide evidence of specific pathways and associations Selection of context-appropriate representation occurs in working memory Orients you to place