By : Zack Good
Granville Stanley Hall was born February 1884 in Ashfield Massachusetts. He graduated from Williams college in 1867 and studied at the Union Theological Seminary. He mainly focused on childhood development and the evolutionary theory.
Hall was one of the first psychologist to look more into the psychology of adolescence and to use scientific methods to study them. He defined the adolescence stage to begin at puberty around years of age. Hall Said that this period of time was a period of “ Storm and Stress”.
Hall used Darwin’s idea of “evolution” into a psychological theory. This theory was that adolescence corresponds to the time whenever humans were in a transitional stage. Hall believed that the experiential history of humans became the genetic structure of each individual person. The overall idea is that the person relives the development of the human race from a animal type behavior, savagery and then to a more civilized manor of maturity.
He saw that the emotional life of the adolescent had contradicting tendencies. Energy and supernatural activity are followed by indifference, laziness and loathing. Laugher and happiness would go to being depressed and gloom. Hall described adolescence as wanting solitude and seclusion.
Believed that the adolescent switches between several traits like sensitivity, tenderness emotionally and cruelty. There is a display of enthusiastic curiosity and also a urge to discover and explore. During this stage of the adolescent development they also have a need or want for idols and authority.
According to Hall during the late stage of adolescence the individual person begins the state of being ready for modern civilization. During late adolescence this is the end of the developmental process, which is the adolescent maturing being ready to enter society as an adult.
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