MSHEARN Mississippi Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Network
MSHEARN John Bates- KF5QLL Healthcare District 6 – Anderson Regional Medical Center, Meridian, MS Mike Dancey- WX5H Healthcare District 5 – River Oaks Flowood, MS Steve Earnest- WV5D Healthcare District 8 – South Central Regional Medical Center, Laurel, MS Charles Duncan- KE5QIB Healthcare District 9 – Singing River Health System, Pascagoula, MS Joyce Pearson- KE5YFA – MS Hospital Association, Madison, MS
MSHEARN Our Vision- To have Amateur Radio in every healthcare organization in the state of Mississippi and be able to communicate with each other in a situation where there is no other means of communication but amateur radio available. Our Mission- To promote and educate Healthcare Organizations on Amateur Radio use in the state of Mississippi.
MSHEARN Why Amateur Radio in HealthCare Settings?
Power / Phone Lines go down
Cell Towers collapse.
The internet can go down.
MSHEARN Winston Medical Center, Louisville, MS April 28, 2014
MSHEARN Winston Medical Center ER
MSHEARN “I am the Emergency Response Coordinator for River Oaks and Woman's Hospitals in Flowood, Mississippi. When we lost power, we also lost all internet and television service. We were monitoring the Skywarn broadcasts via amateur radio however, which continued to function throughout the event. This was our only situational awareness coming in for awhile, until a television feed could be restored. It gave me great comfort to know, that should a second tornado have approached the hospitals, that we would be aware of it through the Skywarn group of amateur radio operators. “ Mike Dancey KF5DII - River Oaks Hospital Callsign: WX5H
MSHEARN Moore Medical Center, Moore OK May 20, 2013
MSHEARN Moore Medical Center, Moore OK
MSHEARN St. John’s Hospital, Joplin MO May 22, 2011
What can you do with Amateur Radio? You can talk with your Local Emergency Management
MSHEARN You can send Data / request over the Radio Waves vs. Internet
MSHEARN You can talk and send data across the state with no phones or internet
MSHEARN You can send Data SECURELY–Only the person addressed can open the message. This means you can send patient data- name, DOB, Diagnosis and feel safe that it will be read only by the intended organization.
MSHEARN Where do I start?
MSHEARN Contact one of the following groups: – MSHEARN group – Miss. Hospital Association – Local Amateur Radio Operators
MSHEARN We will guide or assist you in getting the right license and training. We can recommend equipment and depending on applications and availability assist with purchasing through ASPR grants.
MSHEARN Signalink or Terminal Node Controller
MSHEARN Antennas
MSHEARN What you will need to supply: – Computer – Time – People willing to learn and keep their skills up
MSHEARN What we have accomplished in the MSHEARN group: – Established the MSHEARN Group – Mississippi Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Emergency Operation Plan – Built first User training / Emergency Go Box
MSHEARN What we need to succeed: – One Person from each district willing to serve as the go to person for amateur radio. We still need a person in districts I, II, III, IV, and VII. These Radio Operators will serve on the MSHEARN workgroup and represent their district in the group. – Healthcare Organizations to see the need for redundant Communications
MSHEARN The MSHEARN group will meet 3-4 times a year to discuss where we are at with Amateur Radios within the state in each of our districts. The MSHEARN group will review and make necessary changes to the MSHEARN EOP to reflect current use of radios in healthcare with in the state.
MSHEARN User Training / Emergency Go Box
MSHEARN Go Box with Computer set up
MSHEARN Solar Powered
MSHEARN Go Box Antenna System
MSHEARN Questions?