Epic poems By hector samantha mitchell andy jean
What is an epic poem an epic poem is a long, serious, poetic narrative about a significant event, often featuring a hero. the development of writing, epic poems were memorized and played an important part in maintaining a record of the great deeds and history of a culture. they were written down and the tradition for this kind of poem continued. Epics often feature the following: a hero who embodies the values of a culture or ethnic group; something vital that depends on the success of the hero's actions; a broad setting, sometimes encompassing the entire world; intervention by supernatural beings.
An epic poem My mom is so epic, My kin doesn’t know what to do, She handles things her own way, She is a tree, mighty and strong, Like an eagle, mess with her babies, Let’s say you will go down heavy, She fights her own mêlées, She cares for others, By no way is she introverted, She’s elation to my life, Cautious and valiant is just the tip of the ice berg to portray her, She’s interminable, She’s been with me ever since I could remember, I will always love her, For she is MY EPIC MOM!
How was the epic poem made Epic poetry is just one form of art, poetry, which is created by oral tradition. oral tradition is the passing on from one generation to another of storytelling, songs, proverbs, and other verbal communication within a Society. The accumulated works are transmitted through word of mouth until someone writes them down as literature, e.g., epic poetry, or reconstructs them as other works of art. An excellent example of epic poetry created from oral tradition is Beowulf, an Old English heroic epic poem of unknown authorship.
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