INTRODUCTION to EPIC POETRY. What is Epic Poetry?  Long narrative poem  Written in an elevated style  Celebrates the deed of a legendary hero or god.


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Presentation transcript:


What is Epic Poetry?  Long narrative poem  Written in an elevated style  Celebrates the deed of a legendary hero or god

Literary Devices  Alliteration– repetition of similar sounds especially initial consonant or stressed syllable (eg. “Shild’s strong son” [23, line 19])  Metaphor- comparison between two similar things  Simile- Comparison using “like” or “as”

Literary Devices Cont.  Epithet- brief phrase characterizes a person place or thing (eg. “the Lord of all Life”, “the Rule of glory,” “the Lord of heaven and earth”)  Kenning- two-word metaphorical name for something (eg. “sea- road” for ocean [30, line 239])

Literary Elements  Internal Conflict- Struggle that takes place within the mind of a character who is torn between opposing feelings and desires  External Conflict- When a character struggles against some outside force… Person, nature, society, or fate.

Early Literary Influences & Historical Events

Epic of Gilgamesh 2500 BC  11 Clay Tablets (story)  12th Tells of his ruling the netherworld  Most important epic poem in human history  Various adventures of hero-king searching for immortality  An account of the flood  Characters  Gilgamesh (2/3 god & 1/3 human)  Enkidu (wild man)

Summary of Gilgamesh  Meets Enkidu (BFF)  1st trip to Land of Cedaes to kill Humbaba  Later slays the Bull of Heaven  Angers gods=suffering  Seeks Utnapishtim & finds heartache  Returns to Uruk and writes his story

Bible 4000 BC- 77 AD  Judeo-Christian “God”  Contains the Old & New Testaments  Missionaries & Crusades  Holy Grail  Referenced in a lot of literature

Homer 800 BC  Did he exist?  Creator of the Epic Poems The Iliad and The Odyssey  Most likely a minstrel  Traveling singer/storyteller  Poems were oral for centuries before written down

The Trojan War 1184 BC/ 800 BC (written)  Main topic of The Iliad by Homer and latter The Aeneid by Virgil  Achaeans vs. Trojans (10 yrs.)  Helen of Troy abducted by Paris  Achilles withdraws from the war and then rejoins in 10th yr. & kills Hector the Trojan Prince  Wooden horse  City captured & Helen returned to Menelaus

The Odyssey 800 BC  Tale of Odysseus  10 yrs. in Trojan War  10 yrs. to get home  Presumed dead wife Penelope fighting off suitors  Consists of 24 books

Naturalis Historia, 1st Encyclopedia 77 AD  Written by Gaius Plinius Cecilius Secundus (a.k.a. Pliny the Elder)  37 Book  1st has preface & tables of contents  List of authorities  Published 1st 10 himself  Very little revision if any

The Adventures of Beowulf 650 AD  1st Epic Poem written in English, Old English  Author Unknown  Adventure of a great Scandinavian warrior  1 manuscript survived the monastery destruction by Henry VIII

Historic Background  Geats & Danes  Accurately reflects the time period (6th century)  Angles, Saxons, & Jutes  Germanic Code  Comitatus (group) -of loyalty Sworn loyalty to king = gifts  Feudal System

Historic Background Cont.  Women were thought of as holy  Belief in fate  Biblical references relate to Old Testament  Author most likely Christian  Scops- composers & storytellers

Geneology of Geats, Danes, and Swedes

Main Characters  Beowulf  Dragon  Grendel & Mother  Higlac  Hrothgar  Shild  Unferth  Welthow  Wiglaf

Time and Place  Set in Denmark and Geatland  6th Century  Herot- mead hall

Why is Epic Poetry Important today?  Stories are still being passed down from generation to generation.  We see these same plots, heroes, struggles, archetypes, and events happening in life today.  References to these epic poems are in our books and movies today.