Technology Development for ELTs Steve Strom Terry Herter Doug Simons GSMT SWG April 28, 2003
2 Driving Science Themes The Birth of Galaxies: The Archaeological Record The physics of young Jupiter's Characterize Exo-Planets The Birth of Planetary Systems The Birth of Galaxies: Witnessing the Process Directly The Birth of Large Scale Structure
3 And Science Themes Drive Needed Performance… The physics of young Jupiter's The Birth of Galaxies: The Archaeological Record Near-diffraction limited performance over ~ 2 arc-minute fields Characterize Exo-Planets High dynamic range imaging High sensitivity Mid-IR spectroscopy The Birth of Galaxies: Witnessing the Process Directly Enhanced-seeing over ~ 5 arc-minute field The Birth of Large Scale Structure Wide-field, seeing-limited multi- object spectroscopy The Birth of Planetary Systems
4 Achieving Needed Performance Requires Technology Development Multiple ELT programs have identified key technology investments and studies required to achieve desired performance Four key areas require investments For each of the above we summarize –The need for new or enhanced technology –Potential performance enhancements –Relationship to science enabled –Other investment returns: e.g. reliability; cost Telescope Systems Wind Site Characterization Adaptive Optics SystemsInstrumentation
5 Telescope Systems & Key Technologies CELTMagellan 20GSMT Adaptive Secondary Mirrors High Performance Durable Coatings Advanced Primary Mirror Materials Active Optics Control Systems
6 Requirement –Control primary segment alignment errors and secondary mirror misalignments due to gravity, temperature, and windshake Need –Inexpensive and reliable sensors and actuators; robust control Potential performance enhancements –Essential for telescope concepts with small segments Potential science gain – Reduced PSF artifacts; improved Strehls with AO Potential cost/reliability gains –Reduced costs/simplified fabrication of small segments
7 Alternate Mirror Technologies Requirement –Light weight, readily molded + polished segments of size 1-2m –SiC? Need –Reduce complexity and cost for primary mirror system Potential performance enhancements –Higher bandwidth for active control system Potential science gain – none Potential cost/reliability gains –Major savings in life-cycle costs
8 Alternative Technologies: Adaptive Primary Requirement –Smaller segments (~ 0.5 – 1 m) –Bandwidth to handle wind buffeting Need –First element of AO system for GSMT, CELT & LAT designs Potential performance enhancements –Higher throughput, lower emissivity –Larger primary mirror (for given cost) Potential science gain –Reduced time to complete all programs Potential cost/reliability gains –Major savings in mount costs (lighter weight system)
9 Alternative Technologies: Adaptive Secondaries Requirement –~ 2m deformable mirror with ~2000 actuators and 5-10 micron stroke Need –First element of AO systems –For Magellan 20: key to phasing optical elements –For GSMT: wind-buffeting compensation Potential performance enhancements –Efficient ground-layer compensation –Low emissivity, high throughput AO feed for mid-IR Potential science gain –Wide-field studies of high z galaxies –Imaging and spectroscopic studies of YSOs
10 High Performance, Durable Coatings Requirement –High reflectivity from microns –Retain coating performance for ~10 years Need –Minimize time between coatings; mirror handling Potential performance enhancements –Higher throughput, lower emissivity Potential science gain –Reduced time to complete all programs Potential cost/reliability gains –Major savings in life-cycle costs
11 Facility AO Systems
12 Systems & Key Technologies Multi-conjugate adaptive optics system –Systems design studies and performance simulations –Low cost, ultra-reliable Na lasers ( W power) –Deformable mirrors with up to 5000 actuators –Fast readout, low-noise optical and infrared detectors –Advanced wavefront control algorithms and processors MCAO Model
13 Systems & Key Technologies Extreme AO system –Systems design studies and performance simulations –Deformable mirrors with up to (or more) actuators Ground-layer adaptive optics system –Systems design studies and performance simulations –Site studies to identify those best suited to GLAO –Pathfinder systems to verify proof of concepts Natural Compensated Pachon Cn 2 Profile V J K GLAO Model
14 Deformable Mirrors Requirement –Wavefront correction elements with >>1000 degrees of freedom; high stroke –Multiple technology paths need exploration (MEMS; thin face sheet DMs) Need –Enable high order correction and high Strehls over desired FOV Potential enhancements –Significant improvement in delivered Strehl compared to current DMs –Extension of AO performance to shorter wavelength Potential science gains –Improved photometric accuracy; higher fidelity imaging of high contrast scenes Potential cost/reliability gains –Must reduce costs of conventional DM approaches (~$1.5K/actuator) Xinetics, ~12” clear aperture MEMS (~ 1 cm)
15 Sodium Lasers Requirement –~50 W Na lasers with good beam quality –Low-cost, robust commercialized product (solid-state; fiber options); multiple vendors –Good wall plug efficiency and small footprint Need –Provide all-sky coverage for SCAO systems –Provide multiple beacons to enable wavefront reconstruction for MCAO systems Potential enhancements –Strehl ~ 0.7 images at K-band over several arc-minute FOV Potential science gains –Enable accurate photometry in crowded fields –Extend AO performance to shorter wavelengths Potential cost/reliability gains –Increased reliability and reduced cost through investment in 2 or more product lines Prototype Fiber Laser
16 Wavefront Sensors Requirement –512x512 optical CCD with (1-3 e - readout noise); kHz readout rate –Larger arrays with 3-5 e - read noise for LGS wavefront sensing –128x128 near-IR detector (~5 e - readout noise); kHz readout rate Need –Fast, well-sampled wavefront sensing –Fast tip-tilt correction in optically-obscured fields Potential enhancements –Improved delivered Strehl –Supports extension of AO performance to shorter wavelength Potential science gains – Improved image quality for all programs Potential cost/reliability gains –TE-cooled NIR AO sensors avoid complex cryo-environments
17 Wavefront Control Algorithms and Processors Requirement –Process ~30-50K WFS measurements to drive ~10K actuators at ~1KHz Need –Advanced, computationally efficient reconstruction algorithms –Implementations on parallel processors with low latency Potential enhancements –Enables MCAO –Supports extension of ExAO performance to shorter wavelength Potential science gains – Improved image quality for all programs
18 Site Evaluation Remote sensing Wind CFD SimulationsWeather stationsTurbulence MASS
19 Key Requirement Uniform evaluation information + data for multiple sites –Cloud cover –Precipitable water vapor –Long-term weather patterns –Wind flow and turbulence modeling –in situ measurements of temperature; wind –Ground-layer and upper atmospheric turbulence measurements –Seismicity and geotechnical characteristics –Light pollution; demographic and ownership issues
20 Need for Investment Site choice is a key element in overall system performance –AO performance –Atmospheric transmission –Structure, enclosure and controls systems implications Delivered science is intimately linked with site characteristics At this stage a range of sites should be evaluated –Wide range of prime science cases among ELT groups –Final selection requires life-cycle cost vs science value trade Program must begin immediately –Site selection is on the critical path for CELT/GSMT A minimum 2-year base is desirable –Mag20 favoring Las Campanas though still interested in comparing that site’s quality vs. alternatives before committing
21 First Steps - Remote Sensing Survey of Cloud Cover and PWV Survey uses meteorological satellite images Long time baseline Well-defined methodology provides: –Photometric, spectroscopic, unsuitable conditions based on cloud cover –Precipitable water vapor above the sites Dispassionate comparison thus possible Areas studied: –Northern Chile –SW USA-Mexico –Mauna Kea – Chile comparison Finish August 2003 Various Sites Studied Thus Far
22 First Steps - Computational Fluid Dynamics Characterize wind flow to allow pre- selection of sites –Wind intensity –Turbulence characteristics –Down-wind wakes NIO has recruited CFD modeling expert -- Konstantinos Vogiatzis Characterization of Chilean sites well underway Analysis of other sites planned for 2nd Qtr 2003 Wind Las Campanas Peak m Turbulent Kinetic Energy
23 First Steps - Weather Station on Honar
24 Measuring Turbulence Layers with MASS
25 Combining MASS + DIMM Results Free atmosphere seeing steady at ~ 0.25” for 4 nights
26 GSMT Site Evaluation: Status NIO collaborating with Carnegie, CELT, Cornell, ESO, UH, UNAM; to test: –Las Campanas –Chajnantor –One or two additional Chilean Sites –Mauna Kea ELT site –San Pedro de Martir Status of “First Steps”: –Erasmus remote sensing studies (cloud cover; water vapor) nearly complete MK / US / Chile comparison to finish in August –CFD modeling of sites: good progress on first three sites –Weather stations deployed on several mountains –Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS): Performance verified by SCIDAR comparison Manufacturing instruments for all sites
27 Site Evaluation: Needed Investment MASS and DIMM purchase and deployment Weather station purchase and deployment Common data analysis tools Manpower to install and operate site evaluation stations Manpower to compile and distribute common database All of this proposed new investment builds upon previously described “First Steps”
28 Instrumentation
29 Representative Science Instruments Multi-Object Multi-Fiber Spectrograph –Requires VPH gratings ~1 m in size Mosaic of diffraction gratings is possible fallback but this still requires tech-dev –Photometric stability of ~60 m long fiber assemblies on moving telescope –Mass production of fiber/lens coupling optics with high throughput –Fiber-to-fiber coupler to simplify removal from telescope
30 Million Element Integral Field Spectrograph –Large format cylindrical lenslet arrays need to be developed –Mass production of individual spectrograph components - atypical for astronomical instruments –Complex high accuracy/capacity mechanism design replicated many times throughput instrument Major cost factor Representative Science Instruments
31 Deployable Integral Field Spectrograph –Mass produced IFU technology –Cryogenic robotic arms need development –Large format infrared arrays in significant numbers (~30) Need to get cost per pixel down… Representative Science Instruments
32 Mid-IR High Dispersion Spectrograph –Large format mid-IR buttable detectors –Advanced gratings Immersed Si? –Large cryogenic mechanisms and high capacity cooling system Representative Science Instruments
33 MCAO Imager –Large cryogenic optics for full field imaging ~500 mm CaF 2 lenses –Need ~1 Gpixel focal plane to sample full MCAO field ~50 4x4k detectors Drives need to reduce cost per pixel through tech-dev Representative Science Instruments
34 Design Concept Studies Additional investment in design concepts is critical –Engage university and private sector groups –Encourage innovative designs –Key step to resolving uncertainties in performance, cost, and science trades –Used to develop firm cost estimates before proceeding to build instruments Given enormous costs of these instruments, this is an important risk reduction strategy Parallel funding of technology development and instrument design studies –Need to fund detector development soon, independent of instrument design studies, since this is a long-lead effort with “dividends” applicable to most ELT instrumentation –Some tech-dev best handled through design studies
35 Common Technology Needs Adaptive Secondary Durable Coatings Alternate Segment (SiC) AO system studies & simulations Deformable Mirrors Na Lasers Detectors for Wavefront Sensors Site Evaluation Large format near-IR detectors Large format mid-IR detectors? Image multiplexers? VPH; immersed Si gratings?? Fiber Positioner? Large Mosaic Grating Advanced Optical Nulling Technology Instrument Concept studies Mag 20GSMTCELTLAT
36 Conclusions Investment in key technologies critical to all ELT programs Large overlap in technology developments needed by all ELT programs The GSMT SWG should strongly endorse the following recommendation from the decadal survey: “The committee recommends that technology development for GSMT begin immediately and that construction start within the decade.” Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee
38 System Design Studies & Simulations Requirement –Modeling/Simulation tools that enable evaluation of AO system performance –Evaluation of alternative approaches to wavefront sensing; reconstruction Need –Design optimized AO systems tailored to science requirements –Guide system-wide trade studies (e.g. controls; instrument design) Potential enhancements –Improved wavefront correction Potential science gains –Improved sensitivity for all science programs Potential cost/reliability gains –Exploration of multiple design efforts prior to costly prototyping programs