The rapid global spread of information technology is accelerating the speed of warfare. America’s Navy has long enjoyed information superiority because of its early adoption of high-tech data links, worldwide communication networks, and advanced reconnaissance. The landscape is changing quickly and the Navy’s advantage is eroding as more nations, transnational criminal organizations and non-state actors become more sophisticated in their use if computing and network systems. In fact, many are actively exploiting our networks and developing the means to challenge our technological edge.
Serves as Navy Component Command to: U.S. Strategic Command U.S. Cyber Command Navy's Service Cryptologic Component Commander to the National Security Agency/Central Security Service.
Operational arm of Fleet Cyber Command Their mission Execute the actions necessary to support the Combatant or Joint Force Commander within their assigned mission sets to include: Cyber/networks Information operations Electronic warfare Signals intelligence Satellite communications.
The strategy focuses on the three fundamental Information Dominance capabilities: Assured Command and Control Battle Space Awareness Integrated Cyber Operations.
Goal 1: Robust Communications for Navy Command and Control Goal 2: Persistent, Predictive Battle space Awareness Goal 3: Integrated Combat Information
The backbone of this cyber capability is a motivated work force of uniformed teammates who are the foundation of the Navy's efforts in the cyber domain. To defeat the enemies of our country and allies we must understand, analyze, and exploit the environment in which the enemy operates. The need for information dominance encompasses air, sea and land theatres and all threats associated - to include cyberspace.
The Information Dominance Corps is comprised of five Officer designators with specific skill sets and requirements. Information Professional (IP) Information Warfare (IW) Intelligence (INTEL) Cyber Warfare Engineer (CWE) Oceanography (Ocean O)
As an Officer in the Information Professional community, you will provide expertise in information, command and control, and space systems through the planning, acquisition, operation, maintenance and security of systems. Your role includes: Leading the Navy’s network warfare missions Developing tactics, techniques and procedures to realize tactical, strategic and business advantages afloat and ashore Optimizing Naval organizational effectiveness through Cutting-edge technologies Knowledge Management techniques Culture of innovation.
As an Information Warfare Officer, you will be directly involved in every aspect of Naval operations. You will deliver vital information to decision makers to capitalize on and protect against vulnerabilities in the information domain. Deliver information superiority through the application of: Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Computer Network Operations (CNO) Electronic Warfare (EW) expertise. Developing and operating cutting-edge network exploitation and defense systems.
As an Intelligence Officer, you’ll be armed with top secret, up-to- the-second data related to international policy and military strategy that help Commanders make decisions. Intelligence Officers assist in: Collection Evaluation Dissemination of naval intelligence in support of: Surface warfare Air warfare Antisubmarine warfare Operational warfare staffs.
Cyber Warfare Engineering Officers use specific cyber warfare expertise to develop computer network operations capabilities and apply principles and techniques of computer science and computer engineering to strengthen and defend our computer networks through: Test and evaluate software and firmware Defend computer networks from attack Research Design Develop.
As an Oceanography Officer, you’ll have the responsibility of supplying important information needed to complete critical Navy missions. Helping guide ships, aircraft and troops with recommendations based on weather forecasts and ocean conditions. Relaying forecast updates and weather warnings to military and civilian authorities. Preparing ocean, sea and waterway charts and maps to support: Naval platforms Weapon systems Sensors Naval operations.
IDC Professional: The most important IDC tool is the operator! Intelligent, highly motivated, mission focused: highly qualified applicants are recruited, trained and developed into Officers that are trusted to provide intelligence products that ensure mission success. Each IDC community has specific requirements. Consult your Navy Officer recruiter for details. Citizenship: Applicants must be citizens of the United States. Gender: Open to Male and Female Clearance: Must have a SECRET or submit SF-86 CWE’s, IW’s, and INTEL officers require TS/SCI PRE-SCREEN Age: At least 19 and or be commissioned prior to 35 Physical: Must meet physical standards for appointment
Supplemental/bonus pay Scheduled pay raises and regular promotions Postgraduate education, fully funded by the Navy Post-9/11 GI bill – funding for you or your family to use for school 30 days vacation with pay earned every year Outstanding retirement benefits, plus a 401(k)-like thrift savings plan Comprehensive medical and dental coverage Tax-free allowances for housing and meals Tax-free shopping privileges at military stores Free or low-cost travel opportunities Access to military clubs and all Navy recreational facilities
"I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.'" President John F. Kennedy
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