Other Officer Communities NVSC 101
Concerns The NROTC program does not train midshipmen for the restricted line communities. You may have long term goals of transitioning to a restricted line community or, desire to pursue a specialized URL career after initial warfare designation.
Designators A designator is a four-digit, numeric code that describes the type of job an officer is designated to do. The last number indicates the status of an officer with a "5" meaning reserve, "0" regular, and "7" training active reserves (TAR)
Communities Unrestricted Line Officers: Perform combat missions for the Navy. Restricted Line Officers: Not eligible for command at sea. Staff Officers: Provide services and support for the line communities. TAR Officers: These officers are reserve officers on active duty who specialize in the training of reserves.
Engineering Duty Officer
Engineering Duty Officer (146X) (144X) Job Description Serve as technical specialists for the acquisition, construction, maintenance and modernization of ships, combat/weapons systems, ordnance systems, and electronic and space warfare systems.
Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (151X) Job Description Engineering Provides professional management and technical direction in the design, development, acquisition, production and logistic support of naval aircraft, air and space weapon systems and their related support equipment.
Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (152X) Job Description Maintenance Provide full-time professional maintenance and material logistic support managers for naval aviation. This means ensuring aircraft maintenance is done and that flight crews are provided safe aircraft for flight.
Information Warfare Officer (161X) Formerly Cryptology Officer Job Description Duties generally include Navy cryptologic services and national signals intelligence (SIGINT) tasks designated by the Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service. There are presently over 720 IW officers stationed aboard ships and with Naval Security Group Activities worldwide. The community accesses approximately 30 new ensigns each year.
Intelligence Officer (163X) Job Description All intelligence officers, despite their different programs of origin, work together providing the fleet with critical intelligence and assessments of other fleets.
Naval Oceanographer (180X) Job Description Support naval strategy and tactics by applying the sciences of oceanography, meteorology, and mapping, charting, and geodesy to naval operations. To assess/predict the impact of the environment on naval platforms, weapon systems, sensors and naval operations.
Special Duty Public Affairs (165x) Job Description Advises senior Navy leadership on all matters relating to public affairs. Interfaces with media organizations. Informs and educates the public regarding Navy operations and policies. Informs and educates Navy personnel, their families, reservists, and civilian employees.
Chaplain Corps (4100) Job Description Provide religious ministries to meet the needs of naval service personnel and their dependents.
Chaplain Corps (Muslim) CHAPLAINS (410X) Chaplain Corps (Christian) Chaplain Corps (Muslim) Chaplain Corps (Jewish)
Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) (510x) Job Description Support to the operational elements of the Navy through planning, design, construction and maintenance of shore and ocean facilities.
CEC - Job Description Engineers and architects who manage naval shore facilities and oversee construction/maintenance by the shore establishment (SEABEES). The Civil Engineer Corps possesses a limited combat capability.
Judge Advocate General (JAG) “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!” From A Few Good Men, 1992 Director, Rob Reiner
“JAG” Do it ALL! Fly Fighter Jets!! Be a Navy SEAL!! Be a SUPER MODEL!!
Judge Advocate General's Corps (250X) Job Description A JAG officer provides legal advice and services to client commands as well as active and retired service members and their dependents.
U.S. Navy Medical Department Ensures the best possible health and medical support of the Navy and Marine Corps personnel and their dependents. Medical Corps Nurse Corps Dental Corps Medical Service Corps
Medical Service Corps (230X) Medical Corps (210X) Dental Corps (220X) Nurse Corps (290X) Medical Service Corps (230X)
Supply Corps
Naval Supply Corps Officers (310X) Job Description As the Navy's principal seagoing Staff Corps, the goal of the Supply Corps is to provide logistical and operational support to the fleet in many areas of expertise.
“The Crab”
Special Operations Officer (119X/114X ) Job Description Special operations was created to preserve and develop essential perishable skills which either were not covered within the charters of existing communities.
Expendable Ordnance Management (EOM) Involves conventional and special weapons handling, procurement, storage, transportation, and life-cycle management.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Involves field location/relocation, identification, rendering-safe, recovery, and exploitation for intelligence of all U.S. and foreign ordnance that has been placed and poses a threat.
Diving and Salvage (D&S) Includes all aspects of diving and salvage including operational D&S, research/ development, training/education, and experimental diving. Provides opportunity for LCDR CO afloat in ARS 50 class ships.
Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Formally added as fourth functional area in 1987. Includes billets aboard MCS and MCM ships and at major shore staffs.
Special Warfare Officer (118X/113X) Job Description Special warfare officers are members of the smallest unrestricted line community and perform a varied number of tasks, including: Hydrographic reconnaissance, land and underwater demolitions, weapons training, small unit tactics, land reconnaissance, and combat-diving training with selected types of SCUBA.