1 Talking notes during the National Poverty Policy Week 25th –27th NOVEMBER, 2013 Presented by: Enock Kibendela Director of Labour Market,Planning and Development(VETA) ‘Scaling up Best Practices and Maximizing Potential Opportunities for Sustainable Pro- poor and Inclusive Growth’ Skills and Job creation
Contents 1. Introduction – About VETA 2. VET Provisions 3. Employment status of VET graduates 4. Entrepreneurship is integrated in VET Curriculum 5. RPLA Programme 6. Collaboration with stakeholders 7. Way forward 2
1.0. WHAT IS VETA 3 Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA). An autonomous body, agency of the Government, Financed through a Payroll Levy and given the responsibility of Coordinating, Regulating, Financing and Providing Vocational Education and Training.
2.0 VET Provisions Most of VET learners are socially and economically marginalized youths and adults. More than 90 programs across all economic sectors. And about 150,000 trainees are enrolled every year which is about 15% only of the annual requirement 4
2.1Mode of Training Mode of training delivery is flexible, but the common ones are; long and short courses, tailor made and apprentices courses. Short courses are numerous depending on the needs In 2011/12, there were a total of 128,217 trainees both long and short courses of whom 73,471 long course and 54,746 short courses. 5
Employment StatusMaleFemaleTotal Employed Unemployed Inactive Total100% STATUS OF VET GRADUATES IN THE LABOUR MARKET(Tracer Study 2010)
Reasons for being out of work (unemployed or inactive) 7 Reasons for being out of work Male % Female % Total % No demand for the trained skill area/trade/course Not receiving expected salary/wages Lack of resources to start self employment and confidence Health Reasons Attending Training to fill LM.Gaps/Upgrading Housework Other external factors, including seasonality Total 100
Status in Employment
4.0 Entrepreneurship is intergrated in VET Curriculum Since 2005 we have special programme; Entrepreneurship Education Training (EET)for VET Teachers at Morogoro Vocational Teachers College under NUFFIC Project The Program enables all learners attending long courses take entrepreneurship as a complementary subject (as TOT). A total of 1552 leaners have acquired Entrepreneurship skills since the establishment of (EET)programme. (EET tracer study report 2012) Also according to this report, out 805 graduates, 235 equivalent to 29 percent were self – employed. (EET graduate tracer study 2012) 9
5.0Skills Training for the Informal Sector For more than 10 years VETA has been supporting the informal sector operators through “Integrated Training for Entrepreneurship promotion (INTEP) programs”. INTEP makes it possible for informal business operators to sharpen and improve their technical skills as well as business skills. In 2012 a total 884 beneficiaries were trained in various skills from different part of the country. The following table gives more details. (INTEP records) 10
Informal sector operators trained through INTEP Program in SNLOCATIONSSKILLS PROVIDEDNUMBER OF BENEFICIAR IES 1DodomaModern bee keeping and Honey processing 35 2Kigoma UjijiModern fish processing and preservations 34 3DodomaEntrepreneurship education and Marketing Techniques 38 4IringaBatiki making 33 5IringaDecorations 42 6Arusha cityTour Guiding techniques on tourists care 93 7Arusha CityUpgrading Skills in welding & Fabrication and Customer Care Techniques 12 8Moshi RuralUpgrading skills in Motor Vehicle Mechanics & Welding and fabrication 13 9MorogoroSustainable agriculture, Saving and Lending approach Mpand DistrictHotel services, inoder service coal mining sector 58 11LindiBusiness skills 30 Total 884
6.0Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL) VET system in Tanzania gives chances to the marginalized groups. VETA in collaboration with ILO, is now venturing in formalizing VET skills gained outside the formal learning systems (informal apprentices) through Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment (RPLA). 12
RPL Cont In a pilot study, a total of 124 Informal apprentices have been assessed in Mtwara, Lindi, Mwanza and Morogoro, 97 proved competent hence eligible for certification Occupations/Trades involved include Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Carpentry and Joinery Work in progress is RPLA for Masonry and Brick Laying and Food Preparation (cookery) 13
Through RPLA project, Modules of Employable Skills (MES) for each pilot trade have been developed in Kiswahili Guidelines for RPL have been developed It is expected that once RPLA is fully operational, most of the artisans in the streets will formally assessed, providing opportunity decent employment and further training. 14
Collaboration with stakeholders Nati0nal Housing Corporation (NHC) Gas industries SIDO 15
7.Collaboration cont…. VETA and NHC had entered into agreement by signing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) The purpose is for NHC to utilize VET graduate on its Housing construction projects. 35 VET graduates trained and are working in NHC low cost housing project through this collaboration In the second phase we expect 200 graduated will be used as TOT in NHC employment promotion project. 16
Collaboration continue… Partnership between VETA, VSO and BG Tanzania in the Oil and Gas sector.(2011/12) The project title: “Enhancing Employability through Vocational Training (EEVT)” 17
Collaboration cont… The project is expected to benefit the following 24 VET teachers through receipt of daily support on the job by VSO tutors 620 VET students expected to benefit from an improved education environment, the presence of VSO tutors and certified VET teachers 280 VET students to access employment after graduation. 18
Collaboration continue... Key skills in line with internationally recognised standards in 8 areas namely :- Food preparation Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Welding and Fabrication Carpentry and Joinery Motor Vehicle Mechanics Electrical Installation Other generic skills include English language, Health & Safety, Maintenance and Entrepreneurship will also be covered. 19
Way forward From the VETA corporate plan VCP IV 1012/13 – 2016/17, the following areas will be addressed Improve VET access and equity, so as to increase the number of VET graduates annually to 300,000 by 2016/17 Improve quality of VET to make training relevance to LM and increase employability and employment of VET graduates Improve collaboration with key stakeholders Improve informal sector training (15,000 Informal sector Operators trained by 2017) Provide skills training to support emerging industries and investments, eg iron, coal and oil and gas Promote innovation and ICT integration into VET system Establish incubators/clusters for VET graduate in each zone. etc 20