2010 Pipe Dreams Team: Ibrahim Ibrahim, Mike Johnson, Scott McCombie, Bronze Richards & Josh Schroeder
2010 Objectives: Design a State of the Art Irrigation System for The Grangeville Country Club Golf Course. Produce working blueprints including: Pipe placement and sizing Sprinkler layout Control System Irrigation Scheduling If necessary: New Pump Specs Increase Water Storage Use Toro
2010 Designed in 1961 Single Line System Sprinklers Down Center of Fairway 3” Piping Problems: Poor Coverage Browning of Course in Summer
2010 Determine Water Needs Water Distribution Pipe & Sprinkler Placement Pipe Sizing and Fittings Pump Selection Flow Measurements and Calculations Irrigation Control System Irrigation Scheduling
2010 Evapotranspiration is the amount of water lost to evaporation and plant transpiration. Values seen 20% exceedance, highest 7-day average. Water Needed Calculation: Area to Water x Depth of Water Needed
2010 Total Gallons Needed for max day: 362,000 Gal Present Pond Volume: 240,000 Gal Pond Volume Needed: 360,000 Gal Excavation Necessary New Pond Lining
2010 Submersible HP
2010 DT 34 & 35 heads Minimum 70’ Radius Minimum 35 GPM 80 psi 720 series around club house Swing Joints
2010 Drawing includes sprinkler, pipeline, valve and control box placements
2010 Ductile Iron Push On Fittings Thrust Block: Hold Fittings in Place
Bell and Gosset series 80 centrifugal pumps Produces 750 Gpm at 130 psi
Golf Decoder Control (GDC) Decoders for all Spinklers Stations Located in Low Traffic Areas
Piping PartCost 6" Pipe$37, " Pipe$64, " Pipe$1, " swing joint$16, Sub-Total$119, Fittings&Valves PartCost 90 ° Bend $2, ° Bend $ ° Bend $ °Bend $ °Bend $ ° Bend $ Tee$1, Tee$3, Tee$ Tee$1, Service Tee (to Swing Joint)$12, Service Tee (to Swing Joint)$ Cross$9, Plug$2, in gate valve$12, in soleniod valve$ Reducer$46.00 Tee$ Plug$71.04 Tee$ ° Bend $ ° Bend $ ° Bend $59.32 Service Tee$ Quick Couple$1, Sub-Total$52, Sprinklers PartCost DT - 35$25, DT - 34$69, series$1, series$5, Sub-Total$103, Control System PartCost decoder$52, decoder$2, decorder cable$5.02 power/ signal line$89.42 GDC Gateway$26, Computer Software$49, Sub-Total$131, Pump House PartCost 80 Series$5, Pressure Gauge$60.00 Air Vaccuum Valve$3, Check Valve$1, Flow Switch$4, Ball Vavle$2, Pneumatic Tank$4, Building$15, Well Pump$1, Well Pump Motor$1, Well Pump Control Box$ Sub-Total$39, Other PartCost Concrete$1, Gravel$13, Pond Lining$9, Excavation Costs$25, Pond Excavation Costs$3, Sub-Total$53, Grand Total$499,585.48
2010 Total Coverage of All Critical Areas (Greens, Fairways, Tees) More Efficient and Effective Sprinkler Layout Redundancy Throughout Pipes and Pumps Reduced Flow and Pressure Losses New Pond Pump House with New Pumps New Well Pump State of the Art Control System Irrigation Scheduling and Water Needs Calculated