WHAT INFLUENCES NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE? The environment They must adapt to the environment in a different way
Explain the role of the Incan Emperor? Who is he a descendent of? The emperor had absolute control of the government. He was a descendent of the Sun God
WHERE ARE THE FOLLOWING EMPIRES LOCATED? Maya Southern Mexico and Guatemala Most successful in the Rainforest Region
Inca Western Coast of South America Aztec Central Mexico
Iroquois Present Day New York State. Eastern Woodlands.
MAIN CROPS What were the main crops of the following empires? Maya Corn Inca Potato Aztec Corn Iroquois Corn
EXPLAIN TERRACE FARMING. A method used by the Incas A farming method that allowed the Incans to create flat plateaus on the mountain side. Allowed them to adapt to their environment and to farm successfully.
WHAT ARE FLOATING GARDENS? A farming method used by the Aztecs They are artificial islands – layered levels of dirt and mud in shallow lakes in order to create more space for farming.
ACHIEVMENTS Maya The Calendar The idea of Zero and a writing system Ziggurats
ACHIEVMENTS Inca Advanced road system System of writing and math Medical Advances
Aztec Very strong warriors Conquered by Cortes Created a tribute system
Iroquois Created a Constitution A political union among tribes
What is the capital city of the Aztec Empire? The Incan? Aztecs: Tenochtitlan Inca: Cuzco
Why did the Aztecs believe in human sacrifices? To satisfy the Gods They felt that the reason the sun rose everyday was due to human sacrifices.
Why was the Iroquois Confederacy formed? Name the tribes who were part of the confederacy. To establish peace among the Five Tribes through a political union. The union created a political and governmental system. The Cayuga, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Mohawk, the Seneca and the Tuscarora. The Tuscarora were the last to join
Explain the role of women in the Iroquois Confederacy. Women held more power than the men. Men moved in with the woman’s family once they got married. They needed five votes in order to pass any laws.