Agenda Walsall Works Update Progressions Placement Opportunities Additional Funding streams Q&A session AOB Date of Next Meeting Close
Walsall Works Walsall Works aims to stimulate sustainable employment within local businesses and support young people into work
Walsall Works Video
Key Headlines 278 employers have signed up creating 583 new apprenticeship opportunities 173 young people have started their Apprenticeship through Walsall Works 198 young people have now started the Pre- Apprenticeship programme 298 young people have been supported into employment and training
Apprentices and Pre-apprentices
Placement Opportunities Pre-Apprenticeship programme in 11 sectors 24 weeks of sector based learning to obtain a Level 1 qualification Functional Maths, English & ICT Employability Skills Intensive job search 4 week work placement Guaranteed job interview Progression to a positive pathway
Placement Opportunities required in: ICT (Web design, social media, hardware repairs) Sports Child Care Health & Social care Business Admin Construction Manufacturing & Engineering
Additional Funding Streams
Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds - (Age 16-24) Administered by National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) £1,500 available per eligible individual Employers eligible to claim a total of 10 grants Employers with less than 1,000 employees Employees that are new to apprenticeships or not recruited an apprentice in last 12 months Existing part time employees (contracted to work less than 20 weeks) can be eligible if employed as a new full time apprentice
Youth Contract – Wage incentive £2,275 Available for employers who recruit an year old who has been receiving benefits for at least six months through Jobcentre Plus Paid 26 weeks after the employee starts work Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees can claim a part payment eight weeks after the employee starts work Employer is required to complete a wage incentive claim Payment is made directly to the employer
Black Country Skills Factory A new employer-led education & training collaboration being coordinated by the Black Country Consortium Objective is to address the shortfall in the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) skills in the Black Country for small medium sized employers Subsidies ranging from £1,000 to £3,500 and aim to support Engineering Apprenticeships in Black Country High Value Manufacturing (HVM) sector Subsidy is in addition to existing government grants and aims to compensate employers for the non-productive time spent at college & lack of productivity
Skills for Care- Workforce Development Funding stream from the Department of Health disseminated by Skills for Care Focuses on the achievement of qualification units Supports the ongoing professional development of staff across the adult social care sector. Help fund the delivery of intermediate and advanced level Apprenticeships in social care. Distributed by Skills for Care via a network of employer led partnerships and large national organisations
Skills for Care- Workforce Development The fund can only be utilised by adult social care providers that employ social care staff within England WDF is a contribution towards the cost of completing units and qualifications on the Qualifications Funding is calculated on the credit size of QCF units - £15 per credit A list of acceptable units for funding is available on the Skills for Care website -
Early Years Apprenticeship Bursary Scheme Open to open to individuals who are starting a Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship for Children and Young People’s workforce Encouraging higher qualified candidates who already have GCSE English and maths at grade C and above Applications open from September 2013 From 1 June bursaries available
Early Years Apprenticeship Bursary Payment process One off bursary payment of £1,500 Training allowance of £300 Bursary payment to successful applicants will be made via the employer Employer will receive £198 toward the cost of administering this payment Funding for approved additional training will also be routed via the employer
Construction Industry Training Board Funding Funding of up to £10,200 available for construction-related apprentices 2 year apprentice - £6,000 3 year apprentice - £10,200 Construction employers need to be registered with CITB Apprenticeships run by CITB Managing Agency or other training providers Apprentice must pass the Structured Learning Exercise (SLE) to show they can complete the apprenticeship programme Apprentice must be registered onto an approved apprenticeship scheme within 26 weeks of the start date of training
Construction Industry Training Board Funding Construction Work Experience programme Administered by CITB year olds No level 2 in construction qualifications Up to 6 weeks work experience Employers eligible to £100 after young person completes 2 weeks work experience
Centro travel scheme for Apprentices The full cost for a black country monthly card is £43.50 per month. Participating employers and training providers contribute 20% to the cost of a travel pass (£8.70 per month) 10% contribution made by National Express (£4.35 per month) Cost for the young person is £30.45 per month Which is a 30% discount for annual travel passes if paid by monthly direct debit
Travel schemes for Apprentices WorkWise offers unemployed residents Free day tickets to attend job interviews Free travel tickets when starting a new job Eligible wards are: Birchills LeamoreBlakenall Darlaston SouthPaddock PalfreyPheasey Park Farm St Matthews
Travel schemes for Apprentices
Traineeships & Study Programmes
Question & Answer Session
Any Other Business
Date of Future Session Monday 4 th November 2013, 10.00am – 11.30am at Walsall Council Chamber, Walsall Town Hall, Lichfield Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP
Contact Details Search for Walsallworks