Carbohydrates Monosaccharides and Disaccharides Lesson aims Describe with the aid of diagrams the formation and breaking of glycosidic bonds in the synthesis and hydrolysis of a disaccharide (maltose) and a polysaccharide (amylose)
Condensation What words do you associate with this?
Water molecules is released New covalent bond is formed Larger molecule is formed by bonding of smaller molecules 2 H removed and 1 O Which forms water Glycosidic bond Covalent bond is formed- electrons are shared
Range of Carbohydrates and Functions MonosaccharidesDisaccharidesPolysaccharides ALL contain the elements:
Monosaccharide Chemical Formulae C 6 H 12 O 6 H C C C C C C O H O H H H H H H H H H HO O O O
Different Forms of Glucose Alpha glucose α - glucose Beta glucose β - glucose
Building and Breaking Disaccharides H 2 O removal condensation reaction add H 2 O α-glucose maltose glycosidic link hydrolysis reaction
Try building more disaccharides: β - glucose cellobiose α - glucose α-fructose sucrose
Maltose has an α-1,4 glycosidic link. What do the numbers refer to? What type of glycosidic links are found in cellobiose and sucrose?
Understanding Diagnostic Tests Reducing Sugars + Benedict’s reagent boil
Understanding Diagnostic Tests Non - Reducing Sugars + Benedict’s reagent boil sucrose
Apple juice is predicted to contain both reducing and non-reducing sugar. Design an investigation to determine whether this prediction is valid. Can you make your analysis quantitative?