Beyond PMO: Delivering on the Strategic Plan
The problem Your organisation has a strategic plan which is comprised of multiple initiatives Collectively they can make or break your place in the market, or the support of your customers Lack of confidence that all promises and initiatives will be delivered No line of sight – blind to facts or “factory floor” decision making Wrong projects often deliver the wrong benefits Disconnect between board room and factory floor.
Project Management Office IS :- Management of promises made to meet strategic plan Prioritisation of project pipeline. Best fit first Assurance that your capital is being invested correctly Line of Sight to all issues, risks, schedule & cost High visibility of when benefits will be delivered. IS NOT :- Policing of standards Big talk about methodologies Command and control Fancy web-based tools. WORKS ONLY WHEN :- Everyone is clear on ground-rules and guiding principles Projects have good “why” foundations Managers are paid to manage Stakeholders are well connected.
Delivering the big picture Not just a collection of projects Strategic Plan Programme Benefit of X Project Benefit of Y Portfolio Benefit of Z Project
Rapid ramp up Increasing customer capability over time Ramp-down. Coach and monitor Decreasing dependence on Rocket over time Ramp up : Ramp down : Coach and Support Capability maturity Time
The offering Fixed monthly cost A dedicated PMO manager / leader / mentor Bi-monthly onsite executive presentations Robust business case / investment logic development A customised method for project valuation & prioritisation A central decision-making authority for all initiatives A single consolidated view of all planned initiatives A single project dashboard for all in-scope projects An online portal for project managers, sponsors, finance team and stakeholders.
One-month ramp-up Review strategy plan with executive team Agree method to value and prioritise candidate initiatives Identify and prioritise projects for the coming period (year) Present a single consolidated view of all planned initiatives Agree guiding principles for all stakeholders Consult with sponsors and executives on project reporting Make project tools & portal available (if / as required) Meet with project managers – expectation setting Set up first round of project status reporting Deliver executive presentation “state of the nation”. Caveat : customer must make resources available to avoid unplanned costs.
Benefits Rapid ramp-up – 1 month Flexibility – solution tailored to meet your requirements High quality – experienced practitioners only Quick exit – when ready we will help you recruit and /or train a PMO manager Predictable and low cost (when compared with other options) Independence – no axe to grind.