Common Management Systems in the California State University “An ERP to Remember” EDUCAUSE 2001 Indianapolis, IN
Copyright Hilary Baker, California State University, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT
The Executive Sponsor Played by: David Ernst The Project Manager Played by: Hilary Baker The ERP Vendor Played by: Liz Dietz “ An ERP to Remember ”
CSU Facts and Figures: Campuses HB Fresno Hayward Long Beach Los Angeles Maritime Northridge Pomona San Bernardino San Jose San Luis Obispo Sonoma HB Bakersfield Channel Islands Chico Dominguez Hills Fullerton Humboldt Monterey Bay Sacramento San Diego San Francisco San Marcos Stanislaus Chancellor’s Office HB
CSU Facts and Figures: Population 370,000 Students 40,000 Faculty & Staff HB
Ready for Change HB Financial system replacement No systemwide Human Resources Different ERP packages Integrated Technology Strategy Business Process Reengineering HB
Target Environment DE Best Practices Common Application Software Common Application Software Shared Data Center Shared Data Center DE
HB Scope HB
Software Single version Multiple campus databases Implementation Collaborative design and prototyping Pilot approach for Student Administration Campus rollout to end users Organization Central development group Campus implementation teams HB Approach HB
Timeline 2 nd Wave 1 st Wave HB
Campus Participation Fresno Hayward Long Beach Los Angeles Maritime Northridge Pomona San Bernardino San Jose San Luis Obispo Sonoma Bakersfield Channel Islands Chico Dominguez Hills Fullerton Humboldt Monterey Bay Sacramento San Diego San Francisco San Marcos Stanislaus Chancellor’s Office HB
$400M for initial 7-year implementation Average campus implementation cost $10M HB Implementation Cost HB
An ERP to Remember
“My CMS” HB My CMS Factors Alignment Lessons Status Success HB
“My CMS”: Executive Sponsor Administrative Services Improved Efficiency Improved Quality Standard of Best Practices DE “The largest ERP project of its kind ever undertaken in higher education.” DE
HB Project plan Project budget HRSA 7.6 Financials 7.5 HRSA 8.0 Financials 8.4 Resources Outsourced data center Financials 7.5 “My CMS”: Project Manager HB
C________ State University alifornia “My CMS”: ERP Vendor Vendor of choice Scalable software Model Implementation LD “C” in CSU LD
Factors LD My CMS Alignment Lessons Status Success LD
Critical Success Factors Engaged executive sponsorship Well articulated scope Realistic budget Tight fiscal controls Strong project management and oversight Realistic project plan Managed political environment Informed and engaged stakeholders Communication commitment LD
Size and scope of CMS project Investment in IT made by the Chancellor’s Office Planning and approval outside campus CIO organizations System vs. Campus Collaborative decision-making DE System-wide management issues Measures of success and accountability Political Factors DE
Cultural Factors Replace legacy systems Increase in bargaining power Invest as a systemwide priority Mandate by the Chancellor Level of confidence DE
Economic Factors Investment in technology Benefit of economies of scale Available state budget surpluses “Off the top” funding strategy DE
Economic Factors Need plan to build budget but …... given budget before plan! Revised plan and revised budget but budget constrained by executives! Manage expectations and budget Budget for surprises HB
Engaged leadership early Planned outside traditional IT organizations Central project team Campus staff involvement Systemwide project teams Consultant resources HB Personnel Factors HB
Management Factors Committed executive support Increasing campus support Communicated project objective Clear project expectations Engaged steering committee Established decision making process HB
Alignment DE My CMS Factors Alignment Lessons Status Success DE
CSU Alignment DE Political Cultural Economic Personnel Management DE
Opportune timing Team effort PeopleSoft leadership changes CSU Chancellor & PeopleSoft CEO collaboration LD PeopleSoft Alignment LD
Lessons HB My CMS Factors Alignment Lessons Status Success HB
Take time to plan Reconsider earlier decisions Communicate effectively Setting, meeting and exceeding expectations Lessons: Project Manager HB Plan for the unplanned - the “gopher” factor HB
What’s working What’s not working What would I have done differently Doing it “right” isn’t enough Lessons: ERP Vendor LD
Lessons: Executive Sponsor Strong and fair leadership Large target for criticism Critical mass DE “It is more important to leave the dock than to plot all the ports of call ahead of time.” Updated resume DE
Status HB My CMS Factors Alignment Lessons Status Success HB
Status: Project Manager 23 campus challenge Multi-campus, multi-year, multi-applications Outsourcing Funding Morale and enthusiasm Resource management HB
Changes in how decisions are being made Stragglers are coming to life Hold outs are still holding out DE Optimistic about turning the corner from “why” and “if” it will happen to “how” and “when” Status: Executive Sponsor DE
Status: ERP Vendor Maintain excellent working relationship Ongoing open communication – full disclosure! Help make CSU successful PeopleSoft involvement Balance central office and campus support Meet campus schedules for 8.0 go-lives CSU an early adopter of 8.0 Reduce bumps in the road Seeing Success! LD
Success DE My CMS Factors Alignment Lessons Status Success DE
Success: Executive Sponsor Implementation successes Demonstrate that the system works Let the software “speak for itself” Data center / network reliability No surprises Campuses unplugging legacy systems DE
Success: Project Manager HR and Finance Live on 11 campuses - July 2001 Begin support for remaining 12 campuses Student Administration Initial modules live on 3 pilot campuses – February 2002 Fully live to support Fall ’02 students – June 2002 Support Services Production ready data center Ongoing application development maintenance HB
Success: ERP Vendor PeopleSoft ongoing involvement CSU and the Campus Portal Upgrade 7.6 to 8.0 by February 2002 LD
An ERP to Remember