pwc Joint Base San Antonio 502d Air Base Wing Debra Harkiewicz Director of Civil Engineering JB7C
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 2 What is Joint Basing? Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) Scope Structure Services Provided Civil Engineering Services Sustainability Focus Overview
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence What is Joint Basing? $$ JB is a BRAC mandate to consolidate installation support functions at adjacent & nearby installations under one Military Department to optimize installation management IM delivered by the lead Military Dept Joint Basing (JB) 1. Policy 2. Standards & Metrics AF Installation Management Army Installation Management Now Future
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 4 Joint Base Locations 1.Joint Base (JB) Pearl Harbor - Hickam, HI (Phase II) 2.Navy Base Guam / Andersen, GU (Phase I) 3.JB Anacostia - Bolling, DC (Phase II) 4.Naval Station Norfolk / Ft Story, VA (Phase I) 5.JB Ft Lewis - McChord, WA (Phase II) 6.JB Ft Myer - Henderson Hall, VA (Phase I) 7.Charleston / Naval WS Charleston, SC (Phase II) 8.JB McGuire - Ft Dix - Naval AS Lakehurst, NJ (Phase I) 9.JB Andrews - Naval Air Facility Wash, MD (Phase I) 10.JB Elmendorf - Richardson, AK (Phase II) 11.Lackland / Randolph / Ft Sam, TX (Phase II) 12.Langley / Ft Eustis, VA (Phase II) Navy Lead Army Lead AF Lead Lead Component responsible for providing Installation Support for the entire Joint Base
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 5 Ft Sam 31,454 Acres $ 2.31B15,4249,395 22,000 Annually Lackland 14,400 Acres $4.9B24,70210,131 82,000 Annually Randolph 4,231 Acres $1.48B4,5005,800 6,600 Annually Increase by 24,500 annually Increase by 7,000 Increase by 4,000 Increase by 4,000 annually Area Military Civilians Students Plant Value Increase by $1.56B Joint Base San Antonio Scope
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 6 Permanent Party personnel = 84,488 Rotational / Training = 138,600/12mo = 11,550 96,000 Total Number Supported Daily = 96,000 TOTAL = 49,335 = 28,461 = 133,600 Joint Base San Antonio Scope Area Military Civilians Students Plant Value Ft Sam 31,454 Acres $ 3.87B20,13312,530 44,000 Annually Lackland 14,400 Acres $4.9B24,70210,131 86,000 Annually Randolph 4,231 Acres $1.48B4,5005,800 6,600 Annually
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Supported Units 27 General Officers 16 SES’s 16 SES’s 211 Supported Units 27 General Officers 16 SES’s 16 SES’s Lackland (80) Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Agency 59th Medical Wing 24th Air Force 433d Airlift Wing 37th Training Wing 67th Network Warfare Wing 688th Information Operation Wing Defense Language Institute Inter-American AF Academy 149th Fighter Wing National Security Agency / Central Security Service TX 69 additional units Fort Sam Houston (96) US Army North MEDCOM Installation Management Command US Army South Army Medical Dept Center & School Army Family & Morale, Welfare & Recreation Command Installation Management Command – West Region Brooke Army Medical Center/Southern Regional Medical Command Medical Education & Training Campus Mission & Installation Contracting Command Army Environmental Command Dental Command & Veterinary Command 5th ROTC Cadet Command Institute of Surgical Research 106th Signal Brigade 32d Medical Training Brigade 470th Military Intelligence Brigade 5th Recruiting Brigade 82 additional units JBSA Supported Units Randolph (35) Air Education & Training Command 19th Air Force AF Personnel Center AF Recruiting Svc 12th Flying Training Wing 30 additional units
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Community / Political Considerations JBSA interfaces and will work regularly with: 2 US Senators 4 US Congressmen 8 State Senators / Representatives All 11 members of San Antonio City Council 14 other City Councils / Municipalities Officials from 5 County Governments Active participation from 5 Chambers of Commerce 5 universities / colleges (7 campuses) and Alamo Community College Dist Texas Military Preparedness Commission 7 th largest city in US and 3 rd fastest growing metropolitan area 8
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Customer Focused Structure 502 ABW/CC ABW/CV Fort Sam 502 MSG Lackland 802 MSG Randolph 902 MSG 12 FTW 37 TRW AETC/CC 502 ABW 19 AF2 AF Total Personnel: ~ 8, ABW/CC direct report to AETC/CC Wing Staff Director of Staff Mgt Analysis Judge Advocate Protocol Safety Command Post Anti-Terrorism Sexual Assault Response Equal Op Info Protection Historian Inspector General Public Affairs Chaplain Financial Mgr Plans, Programs/Integration Security Forces Civil Engineer Logistics Readiness Force Support Communications Contracting *Trainer Development* *Operations Support* 59 MDW
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Services Provided Command Support Community Services Environmental Services Facilities Fire and Emergency Services Housing Human Resources Information Technology Logistics Operational Mission Services Security Services
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Standard AF CE Squadron* Explosive Ordnance Disposal Asset Management Comprehensive Planning Real Estate Housing Operations and Mgt Natural Infrastructure Mgt (NIM) Environmental Quality Cultural / Natural Resources Energy Mgt Environmental Restoration Programs Program Development Infrastructure Planning Housing / Dorm Planning Environmental Planning Design Contract Execution SABER Operations Facility & Infrastructure Operations, Maintenance & Repair Material Control Work Order / Job Planners Customer Service Service Contracts Fire Emergency Services Fire Response Fire Prevention HAZMAT Response Readiness & Emergency Mgt CBRNE Training Hazmat Training AFIMS / C2 / EOC Operations Mobile Command Post Emergency Management Plans Prime BEEF Pgm Management Resources Resource Advisor/Financial Mgt Information Technology Manpower CES/CC Operations (CEO) Asset Mgt (CEA) Programs (CEP) Resources (CER) Fire Emg Svs (CEF) Readiness / EM (CEX) EOD (CED)
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Command Support Supply Logistics Trans Logistics Community Logistics Community Services Security Services Fire & Emg Services Env Services Facilities Public Affairs Supply, Stg & Distro Base Spt Vehicles / Equipmt Laundry / Dry Cleaning MWRLaw Enforcement Fire Protection ComplianceNew Footprint Legal Support MunitionsInstallation Movement Food Services Child & Youth Programs Physical Security Emergency Mgt Pollution Prevention Demo FM Warfighter & Family Services Installation Protection Readiness Eng ConservationRestoration & Modernization Mgt AnalysisLodgingRestorationSustainment ProcurementUtilities SafetyPest Control ChaplainPavement HistoryInfo TechHuman Resources Operational Mission Svcs HousingReal Property Mgt & Eng Command Mgt IT ServicesMILPERSAirfield Operation Family Housing Real Property Leases CIVPERSSmall Arms & Ranges Dorm MgtCustodial Port SvcsGrounds Refuse JB Functions 49 Functions from Wing Support Staff, MSG, & OSS Command Management Admin Management Executive Office Inspector General / IR Postal Svcs Record Mgt Honors & Protocol Advisory Svcs - EO, EEO, SARC - Mil & Civ Drug Testing 21 Civil Engineer Functions
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Civil Engineering Scope Sustains ~$10B physical plant Nearly 4,000 facilities / 18M square feet Over 50,000 acres; including protected habitats More historic structures than any other installation Authorized workforce of over 1,500 personnel ~50% manned on Ft Sam Basic annual non-labor budget of over $200M $4.8B investment over 10-yr period CE is major area of emphasis in Joint Basing 42% of all JBIG functions COLS - ~20-25% of all COLS are in CE All during monumental BRAC and Joint Basing transformation
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Size Comparison (# facilities, square footage, PRV) Plant Replacement Values # of facilities vs facility areas 408 Facs, MSF 1377 Facs, MSF 614 Facs, MSF 973 Facs, MSF 671 Facs, MSF 777 Facs, MSF 1042 Facs, MSF 344 Facs, MSF 3869Facs, MSF
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Construction Volume (1) – San Antonio Funding Sources: FY06-15 Programmed Year $52 $322 $1,496 $669 $387 $313 Total DoD Program = $4.2B Plus $500M Housing at LAFB $317 $234 $156 $263 Note: Some numbers vary slightly due to rounding (1) Numbers do not include complete coverage of SRM Projects
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Army/Air Force Facilities Condition Army Facilities: Q1:30% Q2:21% Q3:17% Q4:32% Air Force Facilities: Q1:71% Q2:21% Q3:7% Q4:1% 16
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Sustainability is vital at JBSA Energy conservation is key in reducing dependency on foreign oil Conservation enhances Services’ ability to support mission needs Conserving provides value to the community – JBSA could potentially have combined peak loads of 100MW Conserving energy and resources is key to strategic goals JBSA Sustainability
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Joint Base San Antonio 502d Air Base Wing Sustainability Anthony Martinez JBSA Energy Engineer
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Overview Federal Energy Goals JBSA Projects Strategic Energy Management Plan Sustainable Energy Innovation Center
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Background Federal Energy Goals Energy Consumption Reduce energy intensity 3% annually thru 2015 Water Consumption Reduce water use 2% annually thru 2015 Protect And Reduce Vulnerabilities in Infrastructure Facility Advanced Metering by 2012 Renewable Energy AF Goal: 3% on-base generation by 2015 Where economically feasible and technically practicable
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 21 JBSA Projects HVAC 50% of Energy Use Energy management system Control Thermal Energy Storage Demand/Load Reduction
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 22 Solar Hot Water system Upgr ade Storage tank Increase capacity Lighting Improvements JBSA Projects
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Consolidating The JBSA Approach
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Plan to Manage JBSA Activity Business Transformation Agency (BTA) and OSD OSD/BTA agreed to assist JBSA in establishing Energy Plan Aggressive timeline to Produce Strategic Plan Baseline JBSA Goals and Objectives JBSA Initiative - Strategic Energy Management Plan (SEMP)
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Meeting 3% Energy Intensity Objectives Create a culture of conservation Find our energy hogs Control what we have Out with the old…get rid of the energy wasters In with the new Use other people’s ideas, talent, and treasure JBSA Initiative - Strategic Energy Management Plan (SEMP)
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Depicts Shortcomings to Meeting Energy Goals Aged Facilities Lack of Benchmarking Metrics do not reflect full energy picture Analyzing JBSA Opportunities Project/Funding Analysis Identified Energy Hogs Gantt Charting Components to Accelerate Project Implementation JBSA Initiative - Strategic Energy Management Plan (SEMP)
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Directs JBSA Installation Project/Resource Focus Measures to better compete for Funding Projects with Biggest Bang for Buck (“how to spend $1M) Analyzed Solar Technology versus Cost Effectiveness Realigning JBSA Technical Resources and Strategy Sessions Funding Sources Sharing With Other Joint Bases OSD has stated that this is getting high level visibility JB Elmendorf Contacted JBSA Energy Manager about Strategy – OSD Assistance JBSA Initiative - Strategic Energy Management Plan (SEMP)
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Sustainable Energy Innovation Center (SEIC) Bringing It All Together
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Lagging JBSA Energy Metrics Executive Order to Conserve Energy by 3% per year $15M of Installation Project Efforts Results not evident – Energy Use Increasing DoD Energy Managers confined to DoD rules to meet metrics JBSA Initiative – Energy Innovation Center
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence MBTU per Sq Ft Desired Trend FY 09 and FY10 JBSA Energy Intensity JBSA Initiative – Energy Innovation Center
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence JBSA view of Innovation Center JBSA’ s combined energy use makes JBSA CPS’s largest single customer and one of DOD largest energy users Focus on JBSA Objectives (EMCS, Renewables, etc) Private Companies Provide Independent View of Metrics Private Companies Provide Flexible approach to solution Academia Provides Research Outreach All Accelerate assessment and implementation of new technologies to meet JBSA energy goals (faster than DoD methods) JBSA Initiative – Energy Innovation Center
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence Status DTI has established a website that will be used as a searchable database of ideas, technologies and solutions for JBSA Companies Contacting JBSA/DTI EMCS Technology Workshop – 1 st target Waste-to-Energy – CPS RFQ Solar Project Lackland 80 acres - 9MW JBSA Initiative – Energy Innovation Center
Preserve Our Heritage; Innovate and Improve for a Better Future Partnership in Excellence 33 Joint Base San Antonio Questions?