The United States Supreme Court
Function: ◦ Ensures uniformity in interpreting national laws ◦ Resolves conflicts among states ◦ Maintains national supremacy of law ◦ Set legal precedents for lower courts 9 justices- 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices. Supreme court decides which cases it will hear- controls its own agenda ◦ Original jurisdiction-rare ◦ Appellate jurisdiction- ◦ Judicial Review
Judicial restraint: judges should play a minimal policymaking role Judicial activism: judges should make bold policy decisions and even chart new constitutional ground Doctrine of Original Intent: Judges should determine the intend of the framers of the Constitution and decided cases in line with that Judicial Implementation: How and whether court decision are translated into actual policy.
Accepting Cases(Appellate Jurisdiction) 1.Losing party appeals to the Supreme Court 2.Judges meet in conference 1.Use the “rule of four” to choose cases 2.Solicitor General 3.Issues a writ of certiorari to call up the case 1.Date is set to present oral arguments
a presidential appointee and third-ranking office in the Department of Justice is in charge of appellate court litigation of the federal government By avoiding frivolous appeals and displaying a high degree of competence, the solicitor general have a the confidence of the Supreme Court.
1.Court receives written briefs of the case 1.Court receives amicus curiae briefs 2.Oral arguments & questioning heard by the justices 3.Judicial Conference 1.Once a tentative decision has been made the opinion can be written.
◦ Majority Opinion is written by the chief justice or the senior member of the majority. ◦ Plurality opinions are…… ◦ Concurring opinions are written in support of the majority but stress a different legal basis ◦ Dissenting opinions are written by justices who oppose the majority. ◦ Stare decisis : let previous decision stand unchanged