11 Ed Baniak Senior Standards Associate Washington, DC January 28, 2010 API Report API-AGA Joint Committee 2010 API ECS Winter Conference New Orleans, LA
22 API Standards Development Process API is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Regular API Standards program audits (conducted by ANSI) Open and transparent process (anyone can comment on any document) All comments and objections must be considered
33 Standards Development Process Developed by consensus (does not mean unanimity) Committee balance between users, manufacturers and contractors/consultants Standards developed using ANSI approved API Standards Development Procedures (available on-line at API corporate membership is not a requirement for participation on API standardization committees
44 Standards Development Process Standards group has oversight for ensuring conformance with the applicable procedures, facilitating meetings, and assisting in resolution of comments/conflicts Open Process - Seek representation from all interest groups: member companies, other trade organizations, government, consultants, etc.
55 API Also Provides Support to the International Standards Community API is involved in international standardization via ANSI –Secretariat for two main industry committees, TC 28 and TC 67 –Secretariat for US Technical Advisory Groups for both Technical Committees
66 API Standards Committee Operations API Standards Committees usually meet twice a year: Oversight Committees (ECS, COPM, CRE) meet to monitor work program Subgroups (task forces, resource groups) meet as needed to progress work, often in conference calls or web meetings All standards balloting is done via the web API-AGA Joint Committee usually meets once a year: 8 Subcommittees meet at the plenary meeting and additional meetings as needed Ballots handled through the web site
77 Other Related API Documents 2009 Changes to Spec 6D, Pipeline Valves, 23 rd Edition - Section 10 – Quality Control – Published as part of Addendum 1, Annex G, October 2009 (Effective April 2010) Addition to Spec 6D,Pipeline Valves, 23 rd Edition - Processes Requiring Validation – Published as part of Addendum 1, Annex G, October 2009 (Effective April 2010) Addition to Spec 6D, Pipeline Valves, 23 rd Edition - New Annex on Heat Treatment – Published as Addendum 1, Annex H, October 2009 (Effective April 2010) National Adoption of ISO 14723:2009 as next Revision of Spec 6DSS Subsea Pipeline Valves – 2 nd Edition, December 2009 (Effective June 2010) API Spec 6D, Pipeline Valves, Errata 3 (includes Errata 1 & 2), issued February 2009
88 Other Related API Documents 2009 Recommended Practice 5L1, Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe, 7 th Edition Recommended Practice 5LW, Recommended Practice for Transportation of Line Pipe on Barges and Marine Vessels, 1 st Edition Specification 5LD, Specification for CRA Clad or Lined Steel Pipe, 3 rd Edition Recommended Practice 5A3/ISO 13678, Recommended Practice on Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing, LIne Pipe, and Drill Stem Elements, 3 rd Edition Specification 5DP/ISO 11961, Specification for Drill Pipe, 3 rd Edition
Primary Voting Year for 1104 In 2009, reported that the document is approaching the limit of its 5-year review cycle Committee was informed to begin the review/update process During 2009, collecting suggestions for review Several INGAA workshops addressing document concerns
10 Subcommittee Work Groups Work on proposed changes – Ongoing Solicit input from all interested parties (other organizations, DOT-PHMSA, colleagues, etc. Subcommittee should review their sections internally and agree on changes. Subcommittee chairs should submit the final changes document to API for ballot Balloting process: One fully revised document Individual sections Subcommittee chairs coordinate the resolution of comments after ballot
11 Standards Development Timeline Formation of workgroup and definition of scope Work on document (complete by April 15) Required Ballot for Consensus (complete by June 1) Comment Resolution from Ballot (2-? weeks) –Subcommittees meet during the summer standards conference to resolve comments Second ballot(s) based on Technical Comments (3 weeks) Typesetting and initial proof (4 weeks) Publication by December 2010 Start Over Again in 5 Years
Voting Due to the internal structure of the API-AGA committee (and supported by separate by-laws) voting is handled differently for the committee than other committees. To ensure a balance, voting is divided evenly over 7 Voting Categories There are 4 assigned votes per category
Voting There are 28 votes allowed per ballot Consensus: 15 total votes (>50% of eligible votes) must be cast (affirmative, negative, abstain) 2/3 of the affirmative/negative votes must be affirmative Negative votes: Attempt to resolve with the voter. However, if consensus rules are satisfied, the publication can proceed.
14 Review the Voting Roster 7 Voting Segments: American Petroleum Institute ─ Pipeline Segment American Gas Association Pipeline Contractors Association Pipe Manufacturers American Society for Nondestructive Testing American Welding Society General Interest
15 American Petroleum Institute ─ Pipeline Segment Jim Ibarra BP Donald DrakeExxonMobil Tim BurnsShell International (vacant)
16 American Gas Association Marshall FarleyConsumers Energy Co. Alan HolkEl Paso Corporation Perry ShethKeySpan Energy Joseph SieveWashington Gas Company
17 Pipeline Contractors Association Brian LaingCRC Evans Welding Services Bill MarhoferPipeline Machinery Int’l Don ThornWelded Construction LP Ronnie WisePrice Gregory Construction
18 Pipe Manufacturers Alex AfaganisEVRAZ, Inc. Bruce ReichartTenaris Coiled Tubes Samar SahaUSS Technical Center Robert WiseMoody International
19 American Society for Nondestructive Testing David Culbertson El Paso Corporation Scott Metzger Moody International Tom ReederCentral NDT Inc. Chuck WoodruffSeaOne Maritime Corporation
20 American Welding Society Alan BeckettAlyeska Pipeline Service Co. William BruceCC Technologies Robert GatlinGlobal Industries Pamela MichalskiDominion East Ohio
21 General Interest Bob HuntleyRHM Welding Consulting Wayne KlemckeUniversal Ensco, Inc. Donald StevensDM Stevens and Associates Yong-yi WangCenter for Reliable Energy Sys
22 Thank you! Ed Baniak American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street, NW Washington, DC Update