API SC 17 Subcommittee on Subsea Production Systems API RP 17U Recommended Practice for Wet and Dry Thermal Insulation of Subsea Flowlines and Equipment June 2012-Report
Report As part of the subcommittee towards RP 17U, the work realized includes the following: Previous Work Concluded (Wet Insulation) Review of current work (General/Wet Insulation) New work (Dry Insulation) Consolidating and combining sections of document per API guidelines: TOC updated Selecting Normative References Incorporating all releveant bibliographic references.
Participant Members NAME COMPANY Mario Saba Aspen Aerogel Karl R Gust BASF P. Singh Brederoshaw E. Simonsen Raj Saxena Cabot Chin-Yuan Ma Cameron Alejandro de Tello Exxonmobil Elizabeth Whitsitt FMC Matt Herst Ivan Balk GE Oil & Gas, VG Lars Artun Wayne Grobbelaar Interpipe Rick Hill Microallying Tony Hornby Permapipe Fernando Ulecia Socotherm Labarge Mike Gordon Subsea7 Denis Melot Total Aquiles Perez UniversalPegasus
Previous Work Previous work was to define the Scope and Table of Contents of the RP Receive comments and suggestions from group members
Scope: This Recommended Practice (RP) provides guidance for the performance, qualification, application, quality control, handling, and storage requirements of wet and dry thermal insulation for subsea applications in the petroleum and gas industries. This guideline also covers the inspection of the insulation, and the repair of insulation defects. The installation method is not defined and may be either S-lay, J-lay or Reel-lay. This guideline is intended to cover all three installation methods. Annex A defines the following: Minimum requirements for the manufacture and supply of wet insulation (insulations in direct contact with sea water) . Annex B defines the following: Minimum requirements for the manufacture and supply of Dry insulation ( applied on Pipe in Pipe systems)
This Recommended Practice is applicable to the following: Applicability of RP 17U This Recommended Practice is applicable to the following: Flowlines and Risers Christmas tree, valve block and piping Manifold valves and pipework Pipeline End Termination (PLET) piping Jumpers (i.e. piping and bends) Connectors and fittings Valves and chokes
Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope 1.2 Applicability 2. Normative References 3. Terms, Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3.1 Terms and Definitions 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 4. General Requirements 4.1 Performance Requirements 4.2 Material Requirements 5. Application Process and Quality Control 6. Handling and Storage Requirements 7. Documentation
ANNEX A: Wet Insulation A.1 Performance Qualification and Testing Requirements for Wet Insulation Materials and Systems A.2 Inspection Requirements for Wet Insulation Materials and Systems
ANNEX B: Dry Insulation A.1 Performance Qualification and Testing Requirements for Dry Insulation Materials and Systems A.2 Inspection Requirements for Dry Insulation Materials and Systems
Current Work Incorporating input from fabricators of wet and dry insulation as well as installation contractors in order to define the general requirements to be incorporated in the recommended practice. Based on May 2012 group meeting, updates to the draft are being incorporated (as presented on TOC) Including API formatting guidelines a Draft of the recommended practice should be available on the next session of SC17.