3P Services, Germany Basil Hostage The missing link – inspecting the final critical section of a large crude transmission and export system
In-line inspection since 1992 MFL world wide DGMK-Vortrag 30.04.1999 In-line inspection since 1992 MFL world wide initially specialized on small diameter tools (4“ to 10“) today 3“ to 42“ …
Ocensa‘s offshore pipeline
Ocensa‘s offshore pipeline
Integrity assessment selected by Ocensa Internal inspection tool capable of Detecting corrosion and deformation Anomalies including dents, gouges and grooves
Necessary considerations Cleaning Remove internally for old deposits of sands, wax and sediments. Restrictions identifications No impacts to crude oil transport program No receiver trap installed No environmental impacts Inspection metal loss with a High Resolution Tool Sizing and location accuracy. GPS location. Detection of anomalies on welds
Necessary considerations Identification and location of mechanical anomalies Identify, locate and size dents,ovality, wrinkles, deformations. Identify possible defects in the pipe were the intelligent tool could be stuck. Processing and analyze data Review the data, identify defects, prioritize and define plan to go forward. Anomalies assessment according B31G and R Streng Finding’s repairs . Data validation and repairs according with the report and priority
Inspection and cleaning technology Gel Conventional BiDi Inspection Umbilical
ILI Background Contacts with operators with Offshore In Line Inspection experience In Line inspection vendors Risk Assessment In Line Inspection Technologies Technologies Assessment Risk Assessment for Receiver Trap installation Facilities required, trap mobilization and installation, environmental impacts Risk Assessment for Operation Submarine valves, flow backward, use tanker storage
ILI Background Risk Assessment Pigging Quality of cleaning, pigging alternatives evaluation, pigging program design Discussion about procedures, logistics and equipments required Operation, transport, control center, maintenance, environmental, Terminal and integrity. Final Risk Assessment to define best ILI and pigging alternative with all areas.
Selected ILI technology Bidirectional Tool. No required receiver trap installation. High Resolution Tool. High number and density of sensors, accuracy. Classification ID/OD discrimination. Boxing,clustering and interaction analysis.
Selected ILI technology Metal loss correlation with mechanical anomalies. Excellent accuracy and probability of detection. Sizing Accuracy( Manual and Auto) Anomalies location with (GPS) Inspection coverage (100%) Interpretation and assessment of data
Ocensa‘s work scope Max preparation for cleaning MFL, GEO and XYZ Complete tracking and markering Safe navigation near the PLEM = the full program
Project conclusion Issues to be covered Contract Technical planning Logistics Job execution Data analysis & reporting Verification Very ambitious time schedule
How could this work? Project conclusion OCENSA: large pipeline operator 3P Services: small contractor, far away
Answers Careful technology analysis and decision by OCENSA Contract: OCENSA respected 3P‘s specific needs High flexibility of 3P Services, since small OCENSA made systematic use of 3P‘s experience High professional skills of the individuals involved
Markers and antennae
Pig launcher Coveñas
BiDi cleaning pig
Launching the GEO tool
42“ MFL tool
Vertical profile of land section
Pig speed profile
Pig recorded pressure profile
Bi-directional MFL applications
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