Blast Off! With Guided Reading!
Our astronauts are ready to blast off to independent reading and beyond. Before blast off you must follow the launching procedures.
10….. What is Guided Reading? Guided reading is teacher-supported reading of the text that are on the children’s instructional level. It is done in small groups of children (4-6) who share common instructional needs and reading abilities. Texts are teacher selected. Each child hold his/her own copy of the text. The teacher acts as a guide. The students are primarily responsible for the reading. During guided reading the teacher introduces the text, observes the students and oversees retelling.
9… Why Do We Use Guided Reading? To improve fluency. To make instruction more personalized. Guided reading enables children to develop and use strategies of an independent reader. It allows children to gain confidence in their ability to read on their own. It allows for close observation of each student while reading.
8… What instructional resources do you need? A designated place where the teacher can monitor both the group and class. Multiple copies of the book. A clipboard or notepad to record observations. Various teaching tools (sentence strips, white boards, paper, etc.)
7… What should students know before beginning guided reading? Some early reading behaviors such as; directionality, sound- symbol relationships and some high frequency words. Demonstrate appropriate book handling abilities. These can be taught and practiced during shared reading.
How do you organize for guided reading? 6… Learning Centers!
5… How do you organize your students for a guided reading lesson? Assess students through running records. Establish groups of 4-6 students who are reading at similar levels... Adjust groups OFTEN !
4… What books should I use? Supportive and predictable texts. Leveled books that match the group’s needs.
3… How do you introduce the book? State the main idea. Take a picture walk. Discuss the cover. Activate prior knowledge. Establish a purpose for reading.
2… What do you observe during reading? Fluency Students using strategies Teaching points to emphasize Strong points to praise Growth and regrouping possibilities
1… What happens when students are finished reading? Students retell the story. Students share favorite part. Discuss story using higher level thinking questions. Demonstrate reading strategies.
Students are ready to BLAST into Guided Reading!