5 th Grade Reading Requirements “Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, or to make reading a deep and continuing need, qualifies as a good book”
Encouraging Students as Readers Readers know how to pick “good fit” books. Readers read a wide variety of genre and continually stretch their reading abilities. Readers use a variety of strategies to create meaning and understand the text. Readers think about and respond to their reading. Readers reflect on their reading through discussions with other readers.
Good Fit Books Purpose – Am I reading for pleasure, information or perspective? Interest – Will this book hold my interest? Comprehension – Do I understand all or most of the words? Knowledge – What do I already know about this subject that will help me understand the text? I can PICK “good fit” books!
Voracious Readers Set a reading goal. Research suggests that 5 th graders should be reading about one book (150 pgs.) per week...that’s about 36 books for the school year, (or 12 books per trimester) Keep a reading record. Students will be expected to keep track of the number and type of books you are reading.
Reading Strategies Connecting to text Context Clues/Fix-up Strategies Determine important ideas Visualization Asking questions during reading Analyzing unfamiliar words Make inferences Synthesizing what has been read
Reflecting on Reading Stop and think about what you are reading. As the reader, decide how often is right for you. Use notetaking strategies to make annotations about what you are reading. Record your thoughts in your journal or notes. You will learn how authors use conflict, characterization, robust vocabulary, theme, mood, setting to help make the story interesting. All of these (and more) can be part of your notes and make your book discussions more exciting!
Readers Talk About the Books They Are Reading Through book clubs, students engage in conversation with other readers. Informal “book talks” allow students to recommend books to classmates. Online forums allow students to share thoughts about books.
Reading Grades Practice (50 %) Credit will be given for student’s ability to select books appropriate for their goal. Credit will be given for evidence of recording number and type of books read. Credit will be given for evidence of reading strategies used during reading as assigned by the teacher. Credit will be given for evidence of reading responses via journal, annotations, comprehension questions.
Reading Grades Assessment (50%) A percent score will be given on number of books read/trimester goal. Performance on grade level reading tests (Scholastic unit tests) Performance on comprehension activities, quizzes and/or tests.