Weather By: Ms. Jernigan
Cirrus Clouds Thin feathery clouds high in the sky Rain does not fall from these
Cumulus Clouds Puffy white clouds that indicate fair weather but when they grow upward and get dark, a storm may come soon.
Stratus Clouds Flat layers of clouds like a thick blanket covering the sky. These bring days of steady rain.
Weather Events Thunderstorm Blizzard Hurricane Tornado ________?________
Air Pressure The weight of the atmosphere pushing down on us
Humidity Measure of how much moisture is in the air
Precipitation Any form of water falling from clouds like rain, snow, sleet, hail
hygrometer Measures humidity (hygro- wet + meter-measure)
Thermometer Measures temperature (thermo=heat + meter=measure)
Barometer Measures air pressure (baro= weight + meter=measure)
Rain Gauge Tube that collects water showing the amount of rainfall
Wind Vane Points in the direction from which wind is blowing
Anemometer Measures wind speed. They are like spinning cups and go faster and faster as wind speed picks up. (anemo = wind + meter=measure)
Cold Fronts Often cause short periods of stormy weather Bring in cold weather to warmer area
Warm Front Bring long periods of steady rain Bring in warmer temperatures
This is June of 2008 at 12:51 PM. What is the weather going to be like in Mississippi tonight? Maybe a little cooler with a short thunderstorm