ANZICO ANZICO ™ Australia New Zealand Imaging Company
OVERVIEW Specializing in niche Photographic Image Enhancement servicesSpecializing in niche Photographic Image Enhancement services Focused on providing centralized back office operation for retail photo labs around the worldFocused on providing centralized back office operation for retail photo labs around the world Unique services based on state-of-the-art software and technologies - provide results unbeatable in terms of both, price and qualityUnique services based on state-of-the-art software and technologies - provide results unbeatable in terms of both, price and quality Presenting opportunity for photo processing labs to increase revenue through current customer base, as well as new customer acquisition – together resulting in increased demand for prints and other traditional lab products/ servicesPresenting opportunity for photo processing labs to increase revenue through current customer base, as well as new customer acquisition – together resulting in increased demand for prints and other traditional lab products/ services
IMAGING SERVICES Photo and video colourization – black & white, sepia, or infra- red converted into life-like colourPhoto and video colourization – black & white, sepia, or infra- red converted into life-like colour Colour restoration, correction, and enhancement for dull or faded photographs and videoColour restoration, correction, and enhancement for dull or faded photographs and video Automatic extraction of distinct photo snaps from digital video recordingsAutomatic extraction of distinct photo snaps from digital video recordings Generate professional quality sketches and art effects from photographic imagesGenerate professional quality sketches and art effects from photographic images
COLOURIZATION SERVICE Based on the TimeBrush RealLifeColour, the best colourization technology in the world Life-like colourization at the most economical price Results to rival original colour imagery Colourize video or photographs Colourize from any monochromatic type, including black & white, infra-red, colour infra-red, etc.
Colourization Service – before/ after samples
SKETCH & ART EFFECTS Professional quality sketch and art effects from any photograph or an image Unprecedented realism – looks like work done by a professional artist Variety of styles and effects to choose from – attention to small details such as outline, shading, depth, perspective Choice of black & white, or full colour - matched with source
Sketch & Art Service – before/ after samples
VIDEO TO PHOTO SERVICE Extract still snaps from recorded video Non subjective, automated process – seeks out and extracts most appropriate frames suited for still snaps Smaller frame video such as recorded from mobile cameras - enhanced to full frame size (D1) Advanced normalization filters remove undesirable effects such as interlacing, pixelation, blurring, and temporal noise
Video to Photo Service – before/ after samples
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