Questions 1-3 (3 Points Each) What are the 3 Major Tenets (Sine Qua Non) of Dispensationalism Questions 4-6 (3 Points Each) I have read Chapters 2, 3 and 4 in Dr. Ryrie’s book “Dispensationalism" Question 7 (2 Points) List 2 of the key figures of Dispensationalism Extra Credit—(2 Points) Share the relationship of these men with each other: JN Darby, Emile Guers, Brookes, Scofield
How is One Saved in the Different Dispensations? When did the Church Start? Does the Church Replace Israel in the New Testament
Pg. 121 “Without doubt the most frequently heard objection against dispensationalism is that it is supposedly teaches several ways of salvation. In particular, dispensationalists are said to teach salvation by works in some dispensations and salvation by grace in others.”
Pg John Bowman (1956) If any man is saved in any dispensation other than those of Promise and Grace, he is savedby works and not by faith! [The Dispensationalist] is clearly left with two methods of salvation on his hands-works for the majority of dispensations, faith for the rest—and we have…to deal with a fickle God who deals with man in various ways at various times.
The confusion stems to some degree from our use of the word “grace” to describe our current dispensation. It is argued that we then then believe that there was not grace prior to this dispensation. This argument falls flat as the dispensation of grace accentuates the grace of God, but does not remove grace from previous or future dispensations. God is always gracious. Consider James 4:6 that demonstrates that even in a given dispensation God can “give more grace”.
Dispensationalism DOES NOT teach 2 ways of salvation, it teaches ONE WAY OF SALVATION! HOWEVER, some dispensationalists have made unguarded statements but so have Covenant Theologians (pg 123)…Allis and Berkhoff. Salvation is always by Grace through Faith
Chafer, “The law was never given as a means of salvation or justification.” Scofield, “Law neither justifies a sinner nor sanctifies a believer.” William Pettingill, “Salvation has always been, as it is now, purely a gift of God in response to faith.” SALVATION IS BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN EVERY DISPENSATION!
Covenant Theologians also have promises explaining the law under their covenant of Grace. Consider the quote on page 118 by Berkhoff Galatians 3:17-25—Explanation of relationship and progression of Patriarchal – Law – Grace.
1) Display by God’s electing Israel 2) Displayed in God’s frequent restoration of His sinning People 3) New Covenant, which was announced during the law period, was also a display of grace 4) God displayed His grace under the law by the enablement He gave 5) It was during the period of the law that God revealed Himself experientially to His people as Yahweh 6) The great covenant with David was made during the Mosaic economy…an act of great grace!
Israel’s Beginning: Abraham ▪ Genesis 12:1-3 ▪ Genesis 15 (also note His salvation); cf. Romans 4 ▪ Genesis 17 Isaac Jacob-Israel (Genesis 32:28, 32) ▪ 12 sons ▪ Exodus 1:1-6—Children of Israel are 70 in number Israel’s End? Jeremiah 31:31-38
Church’s Beginning Acts 1-The church’s precursor Acts 2-The church’s birth! Church’s Description Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:11-13; 19-22; 3:1-7; 21 ▪ Notice the church is a mystery ▪ Notice the church is composed of people from all nationalities ▪ Notice Jesus is the chief cornerstone and head of the church Church’s Ending? Ephesians 3:20-21
Romans 11 1, 11-Not cast away forever 5-A remnant remains 28-32—Israel is a “blessed” enemy for now and the church is a “blessed” friend, son and body Revelation 21 9-Bride, lamb’s wife-Church 10-Jerusalem-Israeli flavor tribes-Israel apostles-Church There remains a distinction in the New Jerusalem of Israel and the Church and they are both “peoples” of God collectively that retain their identity as a “people” of God.
“Every Nation and All People”
How Many Ways of Salvation are there in the Bible? What is the BASIS of Salvation in Every Dispensation? Christ’s Death and Resurrection What is the REQUIREMENT of Salvation in Every Dispensation FAITH What is the OBJECT of Salvation in Every Dispensation? GOD Does the CONTENT (Or Response) of Salvation change in different dispensations? CHANGES
Share a passage of Scripture that demonstrates that Church Does NOT replace the Israel Romans 11 or Revelation 21 Share 1 Thing you learned for Dr. Kevin Bauder’s Message Yesterday